Welcome to Charles Hutch Press, the Hutch hub for arts, culture and What’s On in York and beyond.
The Story
Charles Hutchinson has moved to pastures new yet still familiar after more than 30 years as the voice of the arts and culture at The Press, York.
Dubbed the “cultural linchpin of Yorkshire” for his distinctive coverage of theatre, music, comedy, film and the visual arts, Charles continues to work the arts beat in York and across God’s Own Arty Country.
This site provides previews, reviews, interviews and breaking news of the thriving cultural scene that he so passionately supports.
In establishing the Charles Hutchinson Culture Hub, he is also available to provide copy-writing and press services to spread your word to the media industry.
Contact Charles too for public-speaking engagements, hosting question-and-answer sessions, lecturing on journalism and the arts and radio comment.
Landline: 01423 771748
Very mobile phone: 07958 262019
Facebook: Charles Hutchinson
Twitter: @charleshutchpr1
Instagram: @charleshutchpress
Breaking News
More Things To Do in York and beyond when Viking beards roam the streets. Hutch’s List No. 7, from The York Press
Stag burning at the Jorvik Viking Festival. More fun and games next week. Picture: Charlotte Graham THE boat-burning Vikings are back as Charles Hutchinson looks forward to an action-packed February half-term. Festival of the week: 40th anniversary Jorvik Viking Festival, York, February 17 to 23 A NEW Viking longship, a sword that never misses its …
St Valentine’s Day show of the day: Lying Together, dark improv comedy, Theatre@41, Monkgate, York, tonight, 8pm
Alex Keen and Rachel E Thorn: Improving tonight’s performance of Lying Together at Theatre@41, Monkgate, York TUCK into a black comedy of sex and deception, improvised completely by award-winning comedians Alex Keen and Rachel E Thorn at Theatre@41 on St Valentine’s night. “Each performance is inspired by a lie told or a secret kept in …
Wharfemede Productions go Marching on together in Little Women – The Broadway Musical at Theatre@41, Monkgate
Connie Howcroft rehearsing her role as Jo March in Little Women – The Broadway Musical. Picture: Matthew Warry BURGEONING York company Wharfemede Productions will stage their first solo production, Little Women – The Broadway Musical, at Theatre@41, Monkgate, from February 18 to 22. Based on Louisa May Alcott’s 1868-1869 semi-autobiographical novel, the American musical focuses …