York artist Gerard Hobson turns Beningbrough Hall into a winter wildlife wonderland

York artist Gerard Hobson with his wren installation beneath the Clock Tower at Beningbrough Hall, near York. Picture: Sue Jordan

YORK artist Gerard Hobson will hold the first of three print-making workshops in the Hayloft gallery at Beningbrough Hall, Beningbrough, near York, on Saturday to tie in with his Winter Wildlife In Print exhibition and installations at the National Trust property.

Alas all three 10am sessions – using Beningbrough’s garden for inspiration – are fully booked: the first two, this weekend and on February 8, focusing on linoprint making; the third, on February 22, being a family printmaking session.

Hare, by Gerard Hobson, one of the linoprints in the Hayloft gallery at Beningbrough Hall

Hobson’s Hayloft print exhibition and 14 sculptural scenes in the outbuildings, gardens, grounds and parkland are inspired by creatures that make Beningbrough their winter home.

Throughout winter until March 1, they can be seen only on Saturdays and Sundays, from 11am to 3.30pm, and additionally during the February half term. To plan a visit, go to nationaltrust.org.uk/beningbrough for more information.

A bird collage by Gerard Hobson

Created out of linoprints, cut out and mounted to make Hobson’s 3D installations, birds are swooping, climbing or nesting among the trees, from owls and robins to cuckoos, wrens and swifts.

Eyes should be kept peeled for the naughty magpies with their stolen ring. Do look out, too, beyond the ha-ha to the parkland to spot a pair of boxing hares, better seen close-up should anyone be carrying binoculars.

Gerard Hobson at work in his York studio

Bang goes the common knowledge, by the way, that boxing hares are a brace of males scrapping over a female. Apparently, as a sign reveals, the fights involve a male and a female, not welcoming his persistent attention. Who knew, the lady hares are effectively saying “Do one” or “Get yourself a better chat-up line”!

These installations are the first time Gerard Hobson has used his work in this way, and in creating the exhibition, he has made many new pieces especially for the Beningbrough garden. Not only birds, but other animals too make an appearance in unexpected places, searching for food and preparing to hibernate or sleep, whether bats, mice, stoats or a hedgehog.

Pheasant, one of the linoprints by Gerard Hobson, at Beningbrough Hall’s Hayloft gallery

Helen Osbond, exhibition manager for the National Trust, says: “We’re thrilled to host so much of Gerard’s work at Beningbrough this winter. In working towards the exhibition, it’s been a real insight to see how, as an artist, he draws on his botanist background in his designs, and there’s a short video in the bothy showing the process and steps taken in the intricate art of linoprinting.” 

Make sure to head upstairs in the stables to the Hayloft for an indoor exhibition showcasing more of Gerard’s printed work, all for sale.

A close-up of the wrens, one of 14 sculptural scenes by Gerard Hobson at Beningbrough Hall this winter

“It’s not only the chance to discover the series of sculptural scenes, we want the visit to be an immersive experience,” adds Helen. “Visitors can create a feeder in the bothy and pick up one of the special colouring-in sheets in the walled garden restaurant, while in the laurel den there’s a dawn chorus soundscape; a reminder of warmer days to come.”

Did you know?

SINCE childhood, Gerard Hobson has had a love for birds, animals and art. His fascination with wildlife saw him qualify as a zoologist from Bangor University in 1984 and he then worked for a couple of years for Wiltshire Wildlife Trust as a botanist. Later he became an illustrator for the trust, working on leaflets and sign boards.

Artist Gerard Hobson surveys his wren work at Beningbrough Hall

After relocating up north, Gerard worked for Yorkshire Wildlife and continued to develop his work on a freelance basis.

In more recent years, he has turned his hand to woodcarving and these days focuses his attentions on print making, having studied the art form in York. 

Kentmere House Gallery to open for York Residents Festival on January 25 and 26

Jug & Figs, oil on board, by Susan Bower

KENTMERE House Gallery, in Scarcroft Hill, York, will be open for York Residents Festival on January 25 and 26 from 10am to 6pm.

The work of around 70 artists is on show at any one time in Ann Petherick’s home gallery: some from York, some from Yorkshire, others from artists across the country. 

“This includes Freya Horsley’s atmospheric York townscapes, which have attracted many admirers, and David Greenwood’s vigorous pastels of Skeldergate Bridge and many York townscapes, along with the distinctive red brick houses of the Knavesmire area,” says Ann, who extends a welcome to all, not only York residents

The interior of Kentmere House Gallery, in Scarcroft Hill, York

“There’s also exciting new work from nationally known artist Susan Bower, who lives near Tadcaster but whose work is mostly shown in London.”

Prices start at £200 for original works and £50 for original prints. “We also have books and cards exclusive to the gallery, reductions, special offers, five per cent discounts for residents and a free 14-day home trial.”  

The gallery’s involvement in York Residents Festival has been a great success in previous years. “A gallery in a home setting is still a curiosity, and I believe many people feel some slight trepidation at entering,” says Ann, whose usual opening hours are 11am to 5pm on the first weekend of every month, every Thursday evening from 6pm to 9pm and at any time by appointment – “just a phone call in advance to check we’re in” – on 01904 656507.

Hull From The South Bank, gouache on paper, by Bob Armstrong, on display at Kentmere House Gallery

“Alternatively, we work on the principle that ‘if we’re in, we’re open’ – just ring the bell. But  you would be amazed how many visitors say they have been walking past for years but never been in. The Residents Festival emboldens them, however, and gives them that little extra incentive.  

“Then there are many – even some living nearby – who say that they didn’t even know the gallery existed. It’s truly one of York’s hidden gems and this festival is the ideal time to sample its unique atmosphere and to introduce it to your friends.”   

The front door of Kentmere House Gallery in York

In addition to the art on display, Kentmere House is an interesting property in its own right. “It was built by the Methodist Church in 1898 as their own offices and a staff dwelling,” says Ann.

“The quality of the workmanship and materials used in the building is exceptional, and it’s one of the few buildings in York roofed with distinctive Westmoreland green slates.

Flamingos, acrylic on paper, by Jack Hellewell, at Kentmere House Gallery                  

“We bought the property in 1991: the large rooms, high ceilings and spacious staircase make it ideal for use as a gallery. Two rooms, the hall, stairs and landing are used for display, with more than 100 paintings at any time.”

Should you be wondering, the name Kentmere was chosen by one of the Methodist staff involved at the time, as he was a frequent visitor to the village of the same name in the Lake District. 

York Artworkers Association artists return to Pyramid Gallery from this weekend

York Artworkers Association member Dave Cooper in his studio

YORK Artworkers Association’s 25th anniversary exhibition at Pyramid Gallery went so well last year that the group has decided to hold another.

Members will be exhibiting at Terry Brett’s gallery in Stonegate, York, from Saturday to February 23.  “I’m anticipating it will look unusually full,” he says.

Artist Adrienne French at work in her studio

“We want to show everyone’s work if we can, but I expect the walls to look very full of pictures, in the style of the Royal Academy Summer Show, but better. The standard of work being submitted is very high and I foresee a really exciting exhibition in both first-floor galleries and all the way up the staircase too.”

Art, ceramics and jewellery by 30 members will be on show in an exhibition curated by Terry, who is a YAA member himself.

Silver urchin bracelet, by Karen Thomas

“York Artworkers Association was formed 26 years ago by a group of artists and people who were working in design, graphics and galleries in order to provide a social network of people interested in the arts,” he says.

“They meet every month at Joseph’s Well, off Micklegate, where they invite speakers to talk about a topic that could be anything do to with their own art practice or an art-related organisation. Recent speakers have included a former member of the theatrical drumming group Stomp and a sculptor who demonstrated modelling a horse in clay.”

Snowden, by Kate Petitt

Last year’s silver anniversary was marked by the Pyramid show, open to all association members working in the arts. A book was produced to accompany the exhibition.

The sequel will feature more members, several of whom will be present at Saturday’s launch from 11am on a day when refreshments will be served until 2.30pm.

Artist Kate Petitt. PIcture: Olivia Brabbs

York painters and printmakers taking part will be Richard and Valerie Bell; Dave Cooper; Chrissie Dell; Adrienne French; Mandy Grant; Anna Harding; Luisa Holden; John Jirkwood; Caroline Lord; Bernadette Oliver; Peter Park; Kate Pettitt; Liz and Saul Salter; Lesley Seeger; Lesley Shaw; Jill Tattersall; Donna Taylor and Joe Vaughan.

Catherine Boyne-Whitelegg, Francesca Green, Sophie Hamilton, Ilona Sulikova and Chris Utley will contribute ceramics; Tim Pierce, sculpture, and Ann Southeran, stained glass.

Looking Up Iantosque, by Dave Cooper

Needlework, felting and textiles will be shown by Carol Coleman, Cathy Needham, Sarah Jackson and Julia Wilkins; weaving by Jacqueline James; basketry by Heather Dawe, and jewellery by Karen Thomas and Richard Whitelegg.

All of the work will be for sale and exhibition images can be seen at pyramidgallery.com and on social media. Pyramid Gallery, York, is open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm, and on some Sundays from 12.30pm to 4.30pm.

Sue Clayton’s exhibition is Downright Marvellous at Pocklington Arts Centre

Artist Sue Clayton and her son James

YORK artist Sue Clayton will unveil a new collection of portraits at Pocklington Arts Centre ahead of World Down Syndrome Day in an exhibition inspired by her son. 

Running from January 14 to March 21, Downright Marvellous At Large celebrates adults with Down Syndrome and comes on the eve of her son James turning 18. 

Look out too for a giant pair of hand-knitted odd socks, made using hundreds of knitted squares donated by the public after an appeal last year. 

Otto – Drag Queen, by Sue Clayton

Sue, who lives in Wigginton, will introduce the 12 new portraits and the giant socks in a preview event open to the public on Thursday, January 16, from 6pm to 8pm.

The portraits feature what Sue sees as the “unrepresented and significant” social presence of adults with Down Syndrome, each one depicting a person with the genetic disorder at work or play.

“I put on the original Downright Marvellous exhibition in 2015, which mainly depicted young children who have Down Syndrome, but this time I wanted to make it more a celebration of adults as 2020 is a milestone year for us as James turns 18,” she says.

Lauren, by Sue Clayton

“A lot of the pieces also feature siblings, as I wanted to highlight the importance that siblings play in the lives of those with Down Syndrome too.”

Sue is planning to hold a celebratory event at Pocklington Arts Centre on World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), Saturday, March 21, the last day of her exhibition. Watch this space for more details as they emerge.

Many people wear odd socks on WDSD, a global day that aims to raise awareness and promote independence, self-advocacy and freedom of choice for people with the congenital condition. 

James and Lily -Sibling Love, by Sue Clayton

Should you be wondering “why socks?”, they are used because their shape replicates the extra 21st chromosome that people with Down Syndrome have. 

“I hope the socks installation will add an extra fun dimension to the exhibition, which the whole community can get behind, while importantly raising awareness of – and celebrating – the uniqueness and diversity of Down Syndrome,” says Sue. 

She made a radical change mid-career to become a self-taught, full-time artist. Soon she achieved recognition from Britain’s Got Artists in 2012 and as Outstanding Visual Artist in the 2018 York Culture Awards for her Heroes Of York project in 2017-2018.

David, by Sue Clayton

Those heroes were York Theatre Royal pantomime dame Berwick Kaler; singer, writer and motivational speaker Big Ian Donaghy; animal welfare practitioner Mary Chapman; the late Suzanne Asquith, of North Yorkshire Police; Andrew Fair, from Sainsbury’s, Monk Cross, and Professor Steve Leveson, of York Against Cancer.

Sue is drawn to painting portraits because: “It insists upon the idea that the more you look at a face, the more you see. 

“Every single aspect – the eyelids, the nostrils, and the complexion – reveals the personality and character of every individual person,” she says. “I feel it’s especially important to represent those who are sometimes socially ‘unseen’.”

Uncle Ronnie and Oliver – Trisomy 21 United, by Sue Clayton

Influenced by Rembrandt, York artist William Etty and more contemporary painters such as  Jenny Saville and Tim Benson, Sue enjoys working with dynamic colours to make marks “that should not be there but somehow work”. 

“My approach to portraits not only apprehends the likeness of my subjects, but their inner life too,” she says.

To find out more about World Down Syndrome Day, visit worlddownsyndromeday2.org.

Castle Howard has a ball with record crowds for A Christmas Masquerade

The Great Hall at Castle Howard at Christmas , including the 26ft decorated tree. Picture: Charlotte Graham

CASTLE Howard’s Christmas opening drew a record 67,000 visitors as A Christmas Masquerade lit up the North Yorkshire stately home.

The figures have been released as the house, near York, closes for the winter, with teams busy removing dozens of Christmas trees, not least the 26ft tree that dominated the Great Hall and tens of thousands of decorations and baubles that graced every public room as part of Charlotte Lloyd Webber’s festive installation with a commedia dell’arte theme.

“It has been a superb year, and a real credit to those involved in making Castle Howard the most festive place to visit throughout November and December,” says chief executive officer John Hoy, who has enjoyed his second Christmas at Castle Howard.

Christmas at Castle Howard drew an extra 5,000 visitors by staying open until January 5

“For the first time, the house stayed open into the New Year, closing on Sunday, January 5 and enabling us to welcome over 5,000 additional visitors.”

Alongside the Christmas decorations, family traditions continued to be honoured with opportunities to meet Father Christmas, while Santa Paws took up residence in the estate’s garden centre to greet well-behaved dogs of all breeds and sizes for the first time. More Twilight Evenings, when the house stayed open after dark, were fitted into the seven-week opening.

The good weather throughout those seven weeks allowed families to enjoy Skelf Island, the new adventure playground, as part of the Christmas experience. Launched in July 2019, the playground has had a successful impact on footfall and, in addition, the Friends of Castle Howard membership has almost doubled, the scheme experiencing a 48 per cent rise throughout 2019.  

Although the house will be closed until March 21, the grounds, woodlands and Skelf Island playground remain open throughout the winter.

Snap decision as Richard Beaumont takes father’s advice: business career first, then focus on photography

Dawn In The South Bay, Scarborough, by Richard Beaumont

THIS week is the last chance to see Scarborough photographer Richard Beaumont’s exhibition at the Stephen Joseph Theatre.

In his debut show, Scarborough And Its Surroundings, he takes a personal look at his coastal hometown.

The Harbour Entrance At Whitby, by Richard Beaumont

“As a schoolboy in the 1960s, I wanted to be a photographer,” says Beaumont. “I didn’t particularly see it as a way of making money; I just wanted to create pictures of what interested me at the time.

“My father had other ideas about a possible future career and carefully steered me towards studying the science subjects, university and a career in business, saying that there would be time for photography when I retired.”

Scarborough photographer Richard Beaumont: debut exhibition

That time has come. “Following retirement in 2013, the passion was still there and I gradually began to revive my interest,” says Beaumont. “In 2017, I successfully completed a postgraduate diploma in photography at the British Academy of Photography and now accept the occasional assignment and continue to build my portfolio.”

Summing up his photography, he says. “I like to observe as well as see and create a bit of language in each shot that I take.”

The Lighthouse And South Cliff, Scarborough, From The Outer Harbour, by Richard Beaumont

Scarborough And Its Surroundings – A Personal View runs in the SJT corridor gallery until Saturday, January 12. Gallery opening hours are 10am to 6pm, Mondays to Saturdays, except during show times (mostly evenings, but some afternoons too, so please check the website, sjt.uk.com, before travelling). Entry is free.

Rugby and whisky enthusiast Paul Blackwell “likes to paint a bit” for Village Gallery show

Duncombe Park, in pastel, by Paul Blackwell

NORTH Yorkshire artist Paul Blackwell will exhibit his Treescapes at Village Gallery, Colliergate, York, from January 14 to February 22.

Blackwell and his wife, fellow artist Anne Thornhill, ran a gallery in Grosmont, on the North York Moors, for more than 20 years before selling up and moving to an 18th century farmhouse overlooking the Esk Valley near Whitby. Here they have a barn studio, where they both continue to work.

Ash Tree In The Late Autumn Light, in pastel, by Paul Blackwell

Blackwell uses many different media, from oil and acrylic to pastel and pastel pencil. “Paul is passionate about wildlife and the natural landscape and a lot of his work is done from the 14 acres they have as a small nature reserve,” says Village Gallery owner and curator Simon Main.

Blackwell reveals he has always had two passions in his life. “The first is rugby and the second, malt whisky,” he says. “But I also like to paint a bit: landscapes mainly.

Paul Blackwell and Anne Thornhill’s home and studio in the Esk Valley

“My work is a reflection of my interest in the complex and emotional interchange of colours, as I attempt to convey the vibrancy and radiance of a landscape and the depth of its emotional impact.

“I often use the medium of pastel as it’s particularly suited to my way of working, using colour juxtapositions to create energy and dynamism, rhythm and balance.”

The Strid Woods, in pastel, by Paul Blackwell

After starting work on site, usually in monochrome, Blackwell enjoys exploring the colour structure once back in the studio. Frequently keeping the formal content simple, he creates a uniformity of atmosphere and feeling through his application of colours, as can be seen at Village Gallery from next Tuesday.

Gallery opening hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm. In addition, the gallery will play host to a preview evening on January 13 from 5pm to 8pm, when Paul Blackwell will be on hand to discuss his work. Free tickets are available from Simon Main on 07972 428382 or 01904 411444 or at simon@village-on-the-web.com.

Nothing special happened in YORKshire’s artland in 2019…or did it? Time for the Hutch Awards to decide

Veteran Yorkshire arts journalist CHARLES HUTCHINSON doffs his cap to the makers and shakers who made and shook the arts world in York and beyond in 2019.

Alan Ayckbourn at 80 in Scarborough. Picture: Tony Bartholomew

New play of the year: Alan Ayckbourn’s Birthdays Past, Birthdays Present, at Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough, from September 4

Sir Alan Ayckbourn penned one play to mark his 80th birthday, then decided it wasn’t the right one. Instead, writing more quickly than he had in years, he constructed a piece around…birthdays. Still the master of comedy of awkward truths.

Honourable mention: Kay Mellor’s Band Of Gold, Leeds Grand Theatre, November 28 to December 14.

Lili Miller (Catherine) and Pedro Leandro (Rodolpho) in A View From The Bridge at York Theatre Royal. Picture: Ian Hodgson

You Should Have Seen It production of the year: Arthur Miller’s A View From The Bridge, York Theatre Royal, September 20 to October 12.

Once more, the sage Arthur Miller bafflingly did not draw the crowds – a Bridge too far? – but Theatre Royal associate director Juliet Forster found resonance anew for this age of rising intolerance in Trumped-Up America and Brexit Britain.

Chris Knight as Donkey in York Stage Musicals’ Shrek The Musical

York’s home-grown show of the year: York Stage Musicals in Shrek The Musical, Grand Opera House, York, September 12 to 21

Nik Briggs swapped directing for his stage return after five years in the wind-assisted title role and stunk the place out in Shrek tradition in a good way. Jacqueline Bell‘s Princess Fiona and Chris Knight’s Donkey were terrific too.

Honourable mention: Pick Me Up Theatre in Monster Makers, 41 Monkgate, October 23 to 27

Rigmarole Theatre in When The Rain Stops Falling

Company launch of the year: Rigmarole Theatre in When The Rain Stops Falling, 41 Monkgate, York, November 14 to 16

MAGGIE Smales, a previous Hutch Award winner for her all-female Henry V for York Shakespeare Project, set up Rigmarole to mount Andrew Bovell’s apocalyptic Anglo-Aussie family drama. More please.

Comic capers: Mischief Theatre in The Comedy About A Bank Robbery

Touring play of the year: The Comedy About A Bank Robbery, Grand Opera House, York, February 5 to 12

Crime pays for Mischief Theatre with a riotous show, so diamond-cutter sharp, so rewarding, in its comedy, that it is even better than the original botched masterplan, The Play That Goes Wrong.

Honourable mention: Nigel Slater’s Toast, York Theatre Royal, November 19 to 23

Sarah Crowden and Susan Penhaligon in Handbagged at York Theatre Royal

Political play of the year: Handbagged, York Theatre Royal, April 24 to May 11

In a play of wit, brio and intelligence, Moira Buffini presents a double double act of 20th century titans, Margaret Thatcher and The Queen, one from when both ruled, the other looking back at those days, as they talk but don’t actually engage in a conversation.

Emma Rice: director of the year

Director of the year: Emma Rice for Wise Children’s Wise Children, in March,  and Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers, in September, both at York Theatre Royal

Emma Rice, once of Cornwall’s pioneering Kneehigh Theatre and somewhat briefly of Shakespeare’s Globe, has found her mojo again with her new company Wise Children, forming a fruitful relationship with York Theatre Royal to boot. Watch out for Wuthering Heights in 2021.

Director John R Wilkinson in rehearsals for Hello And Goodbye at York Theatre Royal

York director of the year: John R Wilkinson, Hello And Goodbye, York Theatre Royal Studio, November

Theatre Royal associate artist John R Wilkinson had long called for the return of in-house productions in the Studio and what he called “the blue magic of that space”. He duly delivered a superb reading of Athol Fugard’s apartheid-era South African work starring Jo Mousley and Emilio Iannucci.

Oh what a knight: Sir Ian McKellen

Comedy show of the year: Sir Ian McKellen in Ian McKellen On Stage With Tolkien, Shakespeare, Others…And You, Grand Opera House, York, June 17

A delightful variation on the An Evening With…format, wherein Sir Ian McKellen celebrated his 80th birthday with a tour through his past. His guide to Shakespeare’s 37 plays was a particular joy.

Honourable mention: John Osborne in John Peel’s Shed/Circled In The Radio Times, Pocklington Arts Centre bar, March 27

Bonnie Milnes of Bonneville And The Bailers

Event launch of the year: Live In Libraries York, York Explore, autumn

In the wood-panelled Marriott Room, veteran busker David Ward Maclean and Explore York mounted a series of four intimate, low-key concerts, the pick of them being Bonnieville And The Bailers’ magical set on October 25. Along with The Howl & The Hum’s Sam Griffiths, Bonnie Milnes is the blossoming York songwriter to watch in 2020.

Meet The Caravan Guys:Theo Mason Wood, left, and Albert Haddenham discuss masculinity in How To Beat Up Your Dad at The Arts Barge’s Riverside Festival

Festival of the Year: The Arts Barge’s Riverside Festival, by the Ouse, July and August

Under the umbrella of Martin Witts’s Great Yorkshire Fringe, but celebrating its own identity too, The Arts Barge found firm footing with two locations, an ever-busy tent and, hurrah, the newly docked, freshly painted barge, the Selby Tony. The Young Thugs showcase, Henry Raby, Rory Motion, Katie Greenbrown, jazz gigs, a naked Theo Mason Wood; so many highs.

Honourable mentions: York Festival of Ideas, June; Aesthetica Short Film Festival, November.

Terry Hall: leading The Specials at York Barbican. Picture: Simon Bartle

York Barbican gig of the year: The Specials, May 9

Still The Specials, still special, on their 40th anniversary world tour, as the Coventry ska veterans promoted their first studio album in 39 years, Encore, still hitting the political nail on the head as assuredly as ever.

Honourable mentions: David Gray, March 30; Art Garfunkel, April 18; Kelly Jones, September 14.

Mocking Malvolio: Cassie Vallance’s Fabian, back left, Andrew Phelps’s Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Fine Time Fontayne’s Sir Toby Belch wind up Claire Storey’s Malvolio in Twelfth Night. Picture: Charlotte Graham

Happiest nights of the year: Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre in Twelfth Night, Castle car park, York, July 4 and September 1

JOYCE Branagh, Kenneth’s sister, set Shakespeare’s comedy in the Jazz Age, serving up “Comedy Glamour” with a Charleston dash and double acts at the double. “Why, this is very midsummer madness,” the play exhorts, and it was, gloriously so, especially on the last night, when no-one knew what lay just around the corner for the doomed Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre.

Samuel Edward Cook in Glory Dazed

Most moving night of the year: Glory Dazed, East Riding Theatre, Beverley, January 26

Cat Jones’s play, starring York actor Samuel Edward Cook, brings to light issues surrounding the mental health of ex-servicemen as they seek to re-integrate into civilian society while struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The post-show discussion with ex-soldiers from Hull spoke even louder.

Serena Manteghi in Build A Rockdet. Picture: Sam Taylor

Solo show of the year: Serena Manteghi in Build A Rocket, autumn tour

NO sooner had she finished playing Ophelia in Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre’s Hamlet than Serena Manteghi revived her remarkable role as a seaside resort teenage single mum in Christopher York’s award-winning coruscating  play.

Honourable mention: James Swanton in Irving Undead, York Medical Society, October 10 to 12.

A Blessed encounter: interviewing Yorkshireman Brian

Favourite interview of the year: Brian Blessed, giving oxygen to his An Evening With Brian Blessed show at Grand Opera House, York, in August

The exuberance for life in Brian – Yorkshire man mountain, actor, mountaineer and space travel enthusiast – at the age of 83 would inspire anyone to climb Everest or reach for the stars.

Old soul in a Newman: John Newman’s hot, hot gig at The Crescent

Gig of the year: John Newman, The Out Of The Blue Tour, The Crescent, York, June 30

THE unsettled Settle sound of soul, John Newman, and his soul mates parked their old camper van outside the almost unbearably hot Crescent, threw caution to the wind and burnt the house down  on a night that must have been like watching Joe Cocker or Otis Redding on the rise in the Sixties.

Honourable mentions: Nick Lowe’s Quality Rock’n’Roll Revue, Pocklington Arts Centre, June 25; The Howl & The Hum, The Crescent, York, December 14

Van Gogh: ‘ere, there and everywhere at York St Mary’s

Exhibition of the year: Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience, York St Mary’s, York, now extended to April 2020

This 360-degree digital art installation uses technology to create a constantly moving projected gallery of 200 of Vincent Van Gogh’s most famous 19th century works in the former church. Breathtaking, innovative, and, yes, worth the admission charge.

Honourable mention: Ruskin, Turner and The Storm Cloud, Watercolours and Drawings, York Art Gallery, from March 28

Agatha Meehan, centre, as Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz at Leeds Playhouse

Christmas production of the year: The Wizard Of Oz, Leeds Playhouse, until January 25

AFTER its £15.8 million transformation from the West Yorkshire Playhouse to Leeds Playhouse, artistic director James Brining gave West Yorkshire’s premier theatre the grandest, dandiest of re-opening hits. Still time to travel down the Yellow Brick Road with Agatha Meehan, 12, from York, as Dorothy.

Dame Berwick Kaler’s fina;l wave at the end of his 40 years of pantomimes at York Theatre Royal. Picture: Anthony Robling

Exit stage left: Berwick Kaler, retiring on February 2 after 40 years as York Theatre Royal’s pantomime dame; Tim Hornsby, bowing out from booking acts for Fibbers on June 29, after 27 years and 7,500 shows in York; Damian Cruden, leaving the Theatre Royal on July 26 after 22 years as artistic director; James Cundall’s Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre, in September, after hitting the financial icebergs .

Richard Bainbridge R.I.P.

Gone but not forgotten:  York Musical Theatre Company leading man, director, teacher, chairman, bon viveur and pub guvnor Richard Bainbridge, who died on July 6.

Van Gogh’s immersive exhibition given extension at York St Mary’s

Take a seat and bask in Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience at York St Mary’s

VAN Gogh: The Immersive Experience is to be given an extended run at York St Mary’s, having drawn 50,000 visitors since July.

The Vincent Van Gogh exhibition was set to close on January 5 but now will be open until the end of the Easter holidays on April 19.

Explaining the decision, creative director Mario Iacampo said: “We have had such a warm welcome in York, and incredibly positive feedback about how people have been moved by the experience, so we’re delighted that we’re able to continue as a part of York’s vibrant winter programme of events and activities.

Van Gogh: art spread out all around visitors at York St Mary’s

“York St Mary’s is a wonderful venue for this kind of immersive digital art: right in the heart of the city for easy access, yet able to be adapted, so visitors feel as though they are in the French countryside, or overlooking the Rhone, during their time with us.”

The multimedia experience centres around a 360-degree projection in the nave of the deconsecrated church, making use of the stone arches and high ceiling.  Animated versions of more than 200 of Van Gogh’s most famous works are projected on to the walls, while a specially written emotive soundtrack and relaxing reclined deckchairs encourage visitors to sink into the environment around them for a Zen-like experience. 

The main show runs on a continuous loop lasting 35 minutes, and visitors can spend as much time as they want in the nave.

Feeling blue: the Van Gogh Immersive experience

At the end of a visit, a virtual reality experience takes visitors through a day in the life of the artist in Arles during Van Gogh’s time there, depicting locations that inspired his work, starting with the bedroom in the farmhouse that he painted three times.

Paul Whiting, head of marketing and communications at Visit York, said: “We’re delighted that this innovative exhibition will be extended into 2020. It’s a wonderful addition to the media arts offering of the city, combining a beautiful, atmospheric venue with a uniquely immersive art installation. It’s great news that visitors and residents will have further opportunities next year as they enjoy their ‘Only in York’ experience.”

Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience, at York St Mary’s, Castlegate, York, will be open from Wednesday to Sunday in January, February and March, daily during half term and then from March 30 until April 19.

Admission prices are £13, £11, concessions, and £9, children, with booking strongly recommended.  For more details and opening times, visit vangoghexpo.co.uk.

The doorway to Van Gogh’s bedroom at Arles . Pictures: Charlotte Graham

Here is Charles Hutchinson’s feature on Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience, as first printed in The Press, York, on July 15.

WHAT is the difference between an exhibition, a show and an immersive experience, like the one you can encounter at York St Mary’s?

Let Mario Iacampo, the man behind the cutting-edge Van Gogh attraction in Castlegate, York, define it.

“Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience is not an exhibition and it’s not a show, which I believe requires a live element; it’s somewhere between the two,” he says. “I wanted to create a Zen environment where you can sit down and watch at your leisure.

“To make it an ‘experience’, first of all there has to be emotion; then there has to be music to go with it; thirdly, there has to be the immersive experience, all around you, even on the floor.”

Iacampo, the creative director and founder of Exhibition Hub, has worked with animation artists at Dirty Monitor to create the 360-degrees digital art installation of 19th century Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings evoking his life story.

Having drawn 82,000 people in Naples and 150,000 in Brussels, it is making its British debut in York, Britain’s first UNESCO City of Media Arts, where it will be on show until January 5 2020.

Why did you choose York, Mario? “We were looking at venues around the UK for a while, and I like to present the ‘experience’ in historical buildings,” he recalls. “We went to the Council of Churches and we started studying possibilities.

“York has a huge number of tourists coming to the city, and it’s placed in the middle of the country, which is why we thought York would work well.

“Then the history adds to the impact of the presentation, and using the columns and alcoves of the church are a big part of the interpretation. York St Mary’s was ideal.”

Nine months of preparation and a fortnight of construction then went into making the York installation. After adapting the technology to the 3D design of the York church – the building has four alcoves, compared to six in Naples – the immersive experience projects animated displays on to the walls of the former St Mary’s Church, where black-out blinds and a dozen projectors have transformed the normally light and airy building into a constantly moving projected gallery of 200 of Vincent Van Gogh’s most famous 19th century works.

At one end is a re-creation of Van Gogh’s bedroom in Arles, the subject of three of his paintings with its cramped bed, two chairs, yellowed window, battered Panama hat and row of jackets.

The central Nave houses a 35-minute immersive display, with a carpeted floor filled with deckchairs, from where visitors can enjoy the 360-degree displays seated, standing up or even lying down as the images move over the walls and floor – and their bodies, should they be horizontal.

Rather than merely projecting the original paintings, the immersive experience provides the twist of digitally animating the works: wheat sways in the breeze, water pours out of the confines of the painting’s frame, and the stars twirl and swirl in the night sky. Spookily, a skeleton suddenly smokes a cigarette. Steam from a train gradually immerses all the walls.

Everything comes alive all around you: the sun’s ever-changing position will lead to ever-changing shadows on the walls. There is so much to take in, visually, orally too, that you will want to stay longer than the 35-minute installation loop. At £13, make the very most of an artistic experience like no other in York previously.

The immersive experience is divided into, or rather flows seamlessly through, three sections: his painting years at Arles; his family, showing the repetitions in his portraits; and his years in the asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, 18 miles from Arles, still prolific years, but troubled by mental illness, ending in his suicide. The moment his self-portrait with his bandaged head suddenly emerges on the wall shocks anew.

For an extra £3, you can experience a 12-minute Virtual Reality rollercoaster ride from Van Gogh’s house to the settings of his best known works. Breathtaking. Truly breathtaking. And what’s more, part of the money raised from the VR experience will be donated to SASH, the York charity for the homeless, at Mario’s request.

“Sadness will last forever,” says one of Van Gogh’s quotes liberally sprinkled around St Mary’s, yet Mario points out: “He committed himself to the asylum because he felt he needed help, but he was also extremely prolific during that time, and they’re not all sad. Yes, there are some dark works, but he also painted what he saw around him, the gardens, what people were doing.”

Why did he pick Van Gogh for an immersive experience, rather than, say, Picasso or Dali? “You have to choose an artist whose paintings are ‘filled in’ with colour. You put up Starry Night and it fills the building. It really ‘pops’ into life.

“It’s the same with Monet, who we’ve also done for an immersive experience. You could do the same with Dali, but Picasso, maybe not,” says Mario.

“You also choose an artist that people understand, as you’re creating an experience for the general public, not for academics, though they have been complimentary. “ Van Gogh’s profusion of letters, 844 of them, primarily to his younger brother Theo, have helped hugely with the psychological aspect of the experience, cutting out the need for guesswork in interpreting his works. “It’s much easier when you have those letters, says Mario.

Van Gogh, by the way, signed his paintings “Vincent” for “the simple reason” no-one could pronounce his surname.

For the record, Mario pronounces it Van Goch, as in clock.