When opera meets vocal dating app, here comes SINGLR sound experiment at NCEM

Loré Lixenburg: Hosting SINGLR An Appera at the NCEM, York, on Sunday

MEZZO soprano Loré Lixenberg hosts SINGLR An Appera, an experimental sound event, at the National Centre for Early Music, Walmgate, York, on Sunday at 8pm.

Developed at the University of York, the world’s first contemporary music experimental voice Appera – a cross between an app and an opera! – comes to St Margaret’s Church for one night only.

The stories presented on stage recount the first meetings of participants in a specially created purely vocal dating app, SINGLR.

Welcome to SINGLR’s “fabulous dreamlike musical evening”

SINGLR ponders: What kind of voice do you like? Low growly voices or high and pure? Are you a fan of a throaty, husky sound or a voice as clear and sonorous as a bell? What would be the outcome if we chose who to be with on the basis of the voice and vocal creativity, rather than the usual parameters of visual appearance, income and what kind of pizza someone prefers?

“For the audience, the SINGLR salon will be a fabulous dreamlike musical evening where ambient electronic tracks and live musicians accompany the vocalised conversations of the SINGLR app participants,” says Lydia Cottrell, of York event organisers SLAP.

Tickets can be booked on 01904 658338 or at ncem.co.uk on a Pay What You Can basis: £2, £4, £6, £8 or £10.

Them There Then That, Tabitha Grove’s story about stories, tours Explore York York libraries for Big City Read through October

Tabitha Grove explores beauty in the way that everything holds a story in Them There Then That at Explore York libraries

IN a second SLAP event, Big City Read 2022 artist-in-residence Tabitha Grove is exploring the beauty of the way that everything holds a story in Them There Then That, on tour at Explore York Libraries on various dates until October 30.

This new solo performance is inspired by Behind The Scenes At The Museum, York shopkeeper’s daughter Kate Atkinson’s 1995 debut novel, wherein she depicts the experiences of Ruby Lennox, a girl from a working-class English family living in Atkinson’s home city.

“It isn’t just books that hold our stories. It’s the people. It’s the places. It’s the times. It’s the objects around us,” says the event blurb.

The poster for the Big City Read 2022’s tour of Them There Then That, a story about stories by Tabitha Grove

“We’ve all created stories from the moment that we could. We haven’t always written them though. We’ve drawn them, we’ve spoken them and we’ve sung them. And the point of all this? To share them.”

In doing so, “if we listen carefully enough, these tales can even help us create our own stories”.

Tabitha will be performing “a story about stories” at Tang Hall Explore Library tomorrow, 11am to 12 noon; Hungate Reading Café, October 26, 7pm to 8pm; Dringhouses Library, October 29, 1pm to 1.30pm, and York Explore Library, October 30, 2pm to 3pm. Tickets are pay-what-you-can, starting at free, at slapyork.co.uk/events?tag=TTTT.

REVIEW: Don McLean, 50th Anniversary Of American Pie Tour, York Barbican, 28/9/22

Don McLean: The day the music lived on at York Barbican

THE album sleeve to 1971’s American Pie was spread large across the York Barbican stage, the familiar Stars and Stripes thumbs-up now adorned with the number 50.

It would not be until 1972 that Don McLean’s double A-sided title track – all 8 minutes 42 seconds of it – would make number two in the British charts, making the 50th Anniversary celebrations of this different form of “growing the Pie” apposite for this year’s British tour.

McLean, the singer, songwriter and guitarist from New Rochelle, New York, turned 76 four days after his York show in a year when he has toured for long months, playing songs old and much newer from his ever-extending catalogue.

American Pie may have charted “the day the music died” but that music has never died for McLean, whose love of playing live, and desire to please the audience with his commitment to those performances, remains undimmed, as he expressed at length in gratitude mid-set on his return to a venue he had visited previously in May 2015 and April 2018.

“Are you ready for a good time,” he asked as he stood on a carpet – like the late Leonard Cohen at Leeds First Direct Arena on his last British tour – his eyes shielded by dark glasses, where once they were so expressive on his British television appearances of the Seventies; his dress code more that of a veteran rock’n’roller than a folk troubadour as he led a five-piece band that would have been equally at home in a bar room.

That would be true of his set too, played with a swagger, rather than tenderness of yore, his voice now deeper, worn, weathered, although not to the extent of American Recordings-era Johnny Cash. The thickening years were most noticeable on Vincent, a starry, starry night now gauzed in clouds.

There was to be no Crying tonight, but the boisterous American Boys Invented Rock’n’Roll was a latterday joy, catching the night’s mood.

To his right as ever was pianist and arranger Tony Migliore, his sidesman for 32 years. “That’s longer than my two marriages put together – and a lot more fun,” McLean joshed.

How many times must they have lived out McLean’s words: “And I knew if I had my chance/That I could make those people dance/And maybe they’d be happy for a while”?

Here they were, doing so again, as McLean struck up “A long, long time ago”, the cue for the audience to “still remember how that music used to make me smile”, taking to their feet at his urging for “what you’ve been waiting for”.

That song of mystique and mystery, that cultural landmark, that song karaoke’d by Madonna, American Pie, here served with an extra slice. “Do you wanna sing it some more,” he need not have asked, providing his own answer with a faster reprise.

The music died? Its makers may die, sometimes tragically, too soon, but its heart still beats and always will, here spontaneously prompting a musical stethoscope affirmation: a rousing finale of Heartbreak Hotel, the first number one for one of those American boys who gave birth to rock’n’roll, Elvis. Rearrange those letters, Elvis…lives on, and so will American Pie.

Thumbs up, Don.

Did you know?

Don McLean released the album Tapestry in October 1970. Carole King’s 30 million seller of the same title followed soon after, in February 1971.

Rachel Croft’s sinister new single Weaver Bird flies in for autumn herald of new EP

The artwork for Rachel Croft’s new single, Weaver Bird

RACHEL Croft returns this autumn with suitably haunting new single Weaver Bird, a dark lullaby that beckons all who listen to stray far from the beaten path.

Her most intimate, immersive release to date, this enchanting, unsettling song is marked by a sparse, atmospheric arrangement as she offers the invitation to “explore the often-unquestioned expectations we are dealt out by society”, once again “drawing attention to how we opt to live our lives and if there’s something better out there for us”.

“In short, it’s the sister to my previous thunder-and-lightning single, Hurricane,” says Rachel, who relocated from York to London earlier this year.

“They’re about the same subject of escaping the beaten path, but they’re totally different! This one is a sinister lullaby. I think it’s a perfect soundtrack for this autumnal weather creeping in.”

Highlighting the theme of exploration and expression on Rachel’s soon-to-be-announced EP, Weaver Bird “pushes deeper into unexplored sonic territory than ever before, and there’s much more to come,” she promises. “The track is available everywhere for sale and for streaming at https://ffm.to/weaverbird.”

Last year, Rachel’s debut UP, Reap What You Sow, earned praise from New Noise magazine and was featured on the BBC and Netflix co-production Rebel Cheer Squad.

NE to serve up more in revised Oliver! with extra scenes at Joseph Rowntree Theatre

Oliver! Oliver! Meet NE’s two Oliver Twists, Zachary Pickersgill in orphan’s clothes and Fin Walker in his Sunday suit, who will alternate performances next month

IT would appear that NE Musicals York have undergone a name change to the shortest theatre company moniker in York: NE.

Once NE stood for New Earswick, the company’s roots. Now it is an anagram for creating “NEW & EXCITING” musical productions.

Formed in 1914 as the New Earswick Dramatic Society, the society has mutated into New Earswick Dramatic and Operatic Society, New Earswick Operatic Society, New Earswick Musical Society and latterly NE Musicals York.

Anyway, here comes NE’s latest new and exciting production, Lionel Bart’s musical Oliver!, now well into rehearsals for the November 16 to 26 run at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre, York.

Steve Tearle directs NE cast members as they rehearse Food Glorious Food

The NE creative team behind Wind In The Willows and Priscilla Queen Of The Desert The Musical will stage a revised version of Oliver!, complementing the familiar songs and characters with added scenes that “bring the story to life in more detail”. 

The show-stopping songs are all there, including Food Glorious Food, Consider Yourself, Who Will Buy?, As Long As He Needs Me and Where Is Love?

Two teams of performers will play alternate performances, led by Zachary Pickersgill and Fin Walker sharing the role of Oliver Twist, the boy who asks for more. Henry Barker and Toby Jensen will be the Artful Dodger; Perri Ann Barley and Maia Stroud, Nancy, and Fiona Ann Cameron and Aileen Stables, Widow Corney.

Zachary Pickersgill’s Oliver

At each performance, director Steve Tearle will play Fagin, James O’Neil, Bill Sikes, and Chris Hagyard, Mr Bumble.

“We have an amazing set, costumes designed exclusively for this production and 50 children in the opening number,” says Steve, who is joined in the production team by musical director Scott Phillips and choreographer Ellie Roberts. “This is an epic production not to be missed: a night at the theatre for the whole family to remember.”

Tickets are on sale on 01904 501935 or at josephrowntreetheatre.co.uk. Performance times: 7.30pm, November 16 to 19 and 22 to 26; 2.30pm matinees, November 19 and 26.

Fin Walker’s Oliver

REVIEW: Here come The Spouse Girls in SIX The Musical, Grand Opera House, York ****

Chloe Hart’s Catherine of Aragon, centre, vows No Way in SIX The Musical. Picture: Pamela Raith

HISTORY and hysteria combined, SIX The Musical’s run in York has been met with excitement befitting an A-list pop star. Sold out, every last newly refurbished Grand Opera House seat.

Make that SIX pop divas as this all-female show for the millennial age reactivates the lives of the six wives of Henry VIII in modern mode with attitude: a pop concert wherein the Queens tell their story in song in chronological order to decide who suffered most at Henry’s hands once he put a ring on that wedding finger.

From this talent and talons contest between Henry’s trouble-and-strife sextet will emerge the group’s lead singer. Move over The Spice Girls, here come The Spouse Girls, whose rhyming career path read: Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived.  

Heading for a beheading: Jennifer Caldwell’s Anne Boleyn

This is not so much history as her-story, as they gleefully point out, in a tale of Tudor girl empowerment, one with no appearance by ‘orrible Henry, but the obligatory girl-group infighting, albeit engineered sassily and sometimes saucily (wait for the Anne Boleyn joke) by co-writers Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss.  

“Musical theatre often has lame parts for women,” Moss once said. “We wanted to write loads of meaty, funny parts for women.”

That’s exactly what they have done, while also “making something which didn’t feel like a musical”, conjuring  a 75-minute, straight-through, breathless show that began life as a Cambridge University student production in 2017. Since then, it has acquired more hi-tech trim in Emma Bailey’s set design for its staging with four ladies-in-waiting, leather and studs: musical director Caitlin Morgan on keys; Migdalia Van Der Hoven on drums, Ashley Young on bass and Laura Browne on guitar.

Stone in love: Casey Al-Shaqsy’s Jane Seymour pouring everything into big ballad Heart Of Stone. Picture: Pamela Raith

They provide the on-trend musical ballast for pop music devotees Marlow and Moss to mirror the tropes of this century’s pop queens: Beyonce for Catherine of Aragon’s No Way; lippy Lily Allen for Anne Boleyn’s Don’t Lose Ur Head; Adele for Jane Seymour’s Heart Of Stone; Rihanna and Nicki Minaj for Anne of Cleves’ Get Down; Ariane Grande for Katherine Howard’s All You Wanna Do and Alicia Keys for I Don’t Need Your Love. The pastiches are uncanny, adding to the fun and games, matched by the subject matter in the lyrics suiting the song style spot on.

You will have your favourites among those songs – for this reviewer, No Way, Get Down or the sudden burst of camp techno and yellow dark glasses for Haus Of Holbein with comedy German accents – but those choices will differ wildly. To these ears, the ballads carried less impact; others would insist Heart Of Stone is the peachiest number of all.

You will have your favourite Queens too, and again arguments can rage as to who and why, but SIX is rooted in team work, in shared empowerment, and so the show opens with an ensemble number Ex-Wives and closes with two more, Six and MegaSix.

Haus music: The Queens go German techno for Haus Of Holbein, the height of camp in SIX. Picture: Pamela Raith

The Wives are omnipresent, singing backing vocals when not each having their moment in the spotlight, drilled by Carrie-Anne Ingrouille in that high-energy brand of choreography beloved of Beyonce and Britney with glittering, flashy, big-on-bling costume designs by Gabriella Slade to match.

As for the performances – not so much regal airs and disgraces as setting the record straight under Lucy Moss and Jamie Armitage’s dandy, defiant direction – they are indeed SIX of the best: Chloe Hart’s unbending Catherine of Aragon; Jennifer Caldwell’s fun-loving Yorkshire-voiced minx Anne Boleyn; Casey Al-Shaqsy’s true-love Jane Seymour; Jessica Niles’s wronged but life-of-luxury Anne of Cleves; Scottish-accented understudy Leesa Tulley’s tried-her-best Katherine Howard and Alana M Robinson’s resilient, broken-hearted survivor Catherine Parr.

Choose a winner? Yours truly is a Boleyn ally. Choose a loser? Alas anyone who was not quick enough off the mark to book a ticket.

SIX The Musical reigns at Grand Opera House, York, until October 16. Performances at 8pm, Wednesday and Thursday; 6pm and 8.30pm, Friday; 5pm and 8pm, Saturday; 3pm, Sunday. ALL SOLD OUT.

Parr empowered: Alana M Robinson’s Catherine Parr makes her statement in SIX. Picture: Pamela Raith


SIX more!

SIX The Musical is to return to the Grand Opera House, York, from June 27 to July 2 2023. Performances will be at 8pm, Tuesday to Thursday; 6pm and 8.30pm, Friday; 4pm and 8pm, Saturday, and 2pm, Sunday.

Tickets are on sale on 0844 871 7615 or atgtickets.com/York.

More Things To Do and York and beyond when a design week has plans to make it better. Hutch’s List No. 101, from The Press. UPDATED 11/10/2022

Tudor girl power: Jennifer Caldwell’s Anne Boleyn in SIX The Musical. Picture: Pamela Raith

HENRY VIII’s vengeful wives are not the only show in town. Charles Hutchinson finds alternatives aplenty.

Don’t lose your head over this but…SIX The Musical has sold out at Grand Opera House, York, October 11 to 16. 8pm, Tuesday to Thursday; 6pm and 8.30pm, Friday; 5pm and 8pm, Saturday; 3pm, Sunday

DIVORCED, beheaded, scuppered. Those without a ticket for York’s hottest theatre show of the autumn are too late. Not one seat, even with a restricted view, is still available for Toby Marlow and Lucy Marlow’s irreverent historical musical romp that began as a Cambridge University show at the Edinburgh Fringe.

Welcome to their Queendom where Tudor queens turn into pop princesses as the six wives of Henry VIII take to the mic to tell their tales, remixing 500 years of heartbreak into a 75-minute celebration of 21st-century girl power.

Tom Chaplin: Solo songs of midlife musings from the Keane frontman

Take your pick at York Barbican: Uriah Heep, tomorrow, 8pm; Tom Chaplin, Tuesday, 8pm; Will Young: 20 Years Tour, Thursday, 7.30pm; Boyzlife, Friday, 7.30pm

SPOILT for choice at York Barbican in a busy, busy week. British rock titans Uriah Heep’s 50th Anniversary Tour is now taking place in their 52nd year after playing 4,000 shows in 60 countries. Keane frontman Tom Chaplin showcases September’s release of his second solo album, Midpoint, exploring a part of life that everyone goes through: midlife.

On the pop front, singer, radio presenter, actor and writer Will Young marks two decades since his Pop Idol blossoming. No sooner have Boyzlife performed to 20,000 people at the Yorkshire Balloon Fiesta on Knavesmire than their Old School Tour sends the boy band duo of Boyzone’s Keith Duffy and Westlife’s Brian McFadden back to York. Box office: yorkbarbican.co.uk.

Will Young: From Pop Idol young man to the polymath of today

Toasting the trailblazers: A Celebration Of Gilbert & Sullivan, Grand Opera House, York, tonight, 7.30pm  

A 26-piece orchestra and soloists perform favourites from The Mikado, The Pirates Of Penzance and HMS Pinafore, complemented by less familiar gems in a glorious night at the light opera.

Taking part will be singers from Opera North, English National Opera, Scottish Opera, Welsh National Opera, Carl Rosa and D’Oyly Carte, such as Alexander Robin Baker, Rebecca Bottone, Barry Clark, Siân Dicker, Yvonne Howard, Judith Le Breuilly, Timothy Nelson and Matthew Siveter. Box office: 0844 8717615 or atgtickets.com/York.

Bongo’s Bingo: A rave new world for a British classic at York Barbican

House music but not as you know it: Bongo’s Bingo, York Barbican, tonight; doors, 6pm; last entry, 7:30pm; first game of bingo, 8pm

MAKING its York debut only a stone’s throw from the demolished Mecca Bingo, Bongo’s Bingo “rejuvenates a quintessentially quaint British pastime with an immersive live show featuring rave rounds, nostalgia-soaked revelry, dance-offs, audience participation and crazy prizes in a night of pure and unadulterated escapism”.

Looking for a full house, promoter Jonny Bongo promises magic and music, mischief and mayhem in a bingo rave experience. Box office: bongosbingo.co.uk or yorkbarbican.co.uk.

Sayaka Ichikawa in Ballet Black’s Black Sun at York Theatre Royal. Picture: Bill Cooper

Dance pioneers of the week: Ballet Black, Say It Loud & Black Sun, York Theatre Royal, Tuesday, 7.30pm

CELEBRATING their 20th anniversary, Black Ballet present two new works on tour. Choreographed and directed by founder and artistic director Cassa Pancho and company artists, Say It Loud charts this pioneering company’s progress, from the uncomfortable reasons behind its existence to the frenetic, creative energy that makes it such a necessary part of the British ballet industry. 

South African choreographer Gregory Maqoma’s Black Sun, danced to an original score by Michael ‘Mikey J’ Asante, extracts energy from the sun and the moon giving rise to descendants of ancestors. These forces only meet to blacken, allowing us to draw from their powers as we prepare for life after life. Box office: 01904 623568 or yorktheatreroyal.co.uk.

Dr Richard Shepherd: Pathologist, professor, lecturer, author, television presenter, apiarist and aviator, whose Unnatural Causes theatre tour will York and Leeds

Bringing death to life: Dr Richard Shepherd, Unnatural Causes theatre tour, York Theatre Royal, Thursday; Leeds City Varieties Music Hall, Friday, both 7.30pm

MEET Dr Richard Shepherd, a forensic pathologist who has solved the mystery of sudden and unexplained deaths aplenty, performed 23,000 autopsies and handled such cases the Hungerford Massacre, the Princess Diana inquiry and 9/11. 

In Unnatural Causes, he not only tells the story of the cases and bodies that have haunted him the most, but also reflects on how to live a life steeped in death. Box office: York, 01904 623568 or yorktheatreroyal.co.uk; Leeds, 0113 243 0808 or leedsheritagetheatres.co.uk

Make It Better: The theme for Day One of York Design Week

Festival of the week: Kaizen Arts Agency, United by Design and Dogeatcog unite for York Design Week 2022, Make It Work, October 13 to 17

YORK Design Week turns the spotlight on projects, organisations and people who are breaking and bending rules to create a fairer society, inviting you to explore how we can come together to “Make It Work”. “Let’s find creative and practical solutions to complex problems through collaboration, performance, and play,” say the organisers.

“The idea is to positively shift conversation and behaviour around what design means and how it can offer innovative solutions to knotty problems. Our approach is open, accessible, and seeks to provide space for participants to experience unexpected perspectives and express their own voice.” Full details can be found at: yorkdesignweek.com.

Make It Grow: The green theme for Day Four of York Design Week

120 years and still going strong: York Musical Theatre Company in A Musical Celebration, Theatre@41, Monkgate, York, Thursday and Friday, 7,30pm

YORK Musical Theatre Company’s 120th anniversary will be marked with two evenings of songs from past productions such as West Side Story, Oklahoma, Guys & Dolls, Annie, Acorn Antiques, Jekyll & Hyde, Jesus Christ Superstar and The Pirates Of Penzance, the company’s first show in April 1903.

Company members combine with guest solo artists in a celebratory production directed by John Atkin. Founded in 1902 as York Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society, York’s longest established amateur theatre company changed its name in its centenary year. Box office: tickets.41monkgate.co.uk.

Ellen Carnazza, Andrew Purcell and Zach Atkinson in Badapple Theatre’s revival of The Frozen Roman, on tour this autumn. Picture: Karl Andre

What did the Romans ever do for us? Badapple Theatre in The Frozen Roman, on tour until November 13

GREEN Hammerton’s theatre-on-your-doorstep proponents Badapple Theatre take to the road this autumn with three actors new to the company: Zach Atkinson, Andrew Purcell and Ellen Carnazza.

In this revival of Kate Bramley’s play, they came, they saw, they built a wall, they went away again….or did they? When hapless villagers try to prevent a housing development being built in their midst, could the discovery of a burial site throw them a lifeline?  Expect twists, turns and Latin puns as the situation in the village goes “ballisticus maximus”. For tour details, go to: badappletheatre.co.uk. 

Ocean travel: Billy Ocean heads for Harrogate and Sheffield in 2023

Looking ahead: Billy Ocean, The Very Best Of Billy Ocean Tour, Harrogate Convention Centre, March 31 2023

BILLY Ocean will perform a hand-picked set of greatest hits and fan favourites on his 21-date tour next spring.

The Trinidad and Tobago-born British R&B singer, 72, has notched 30 million worldwide record sales and top ten singles on both sides of the Atlantic, such as Love Really Hurts Without You, Red Light Spells Danger, Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Run), When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going, There’ll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry) and Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car. The tour also takes in Sheffield City Hall on April 6. Box office: harrogatetheatre.co.uk; sheffieldcityhall.co.uk.

‘I’ve still got my voice, my hair is still growing. I can’t complain’. Leo Sayer feels like dancing all over again at York Barbican

THE rearranged show must go on for Leo Sayer at York Barbican tonight.

Delayed by the pandemic, it now forms part of a 2022 tour to mark the Shoreham-by-Sea-born singer and songwriter’s 50th anniversary in pop. “I was supposed to be playing in 2020, but then had to hold off the tour for Covid, but all the shows have been rearranged, and if anything, it’s better doing it now,” says Leo, who moved to Australia more than 20 years ago.

Back on home soil, Sayer and his band will perform a Seventies and Eighties’ hit-filled set sure to feature Thunder In My Heart, Moonlighting, One Man Band, I Can’t Stop Loving You, More Than I Can Say, Have You Ever Been In Love, When I Need You, You Make Me Feel Like Dancing and, yes, debut smashThe Show Must Go On.

At 74, “I’ve still got my voice, my hair is still growing. I can’t complain. It’s been lovely coming back. I did a show at the start of the year in Sydney Harbour…one show and then I got Covid,” says Leo, whose home is in a beautiful village high up, between Sydney and Canberra.

“It’s the equivalent of the Caingorms. I love the space, the freedom. I moved there in 2001, and I’ve no regrets at all, but it’s lovely coming back [for the tour].”

Fifty years, Leo, fifty years. Can you believe it?! “It’s like time compresses in an incredible way. You forget the years passing. I’ve got three stents in my heart, a partial kneecap replacement and Crohn’s disease, but with the right medication you can deal with it and I can feel fantastic,” he says.

“I’m still ambitious, I’m still the same guy who started out 50 years ago, still trying to prove myself by finding avenues that mark me out. I’ve always been a great believer in individuality.”

Leo had to break into a dog-eat-dog Seventies’ pop world. “We all hated each other. It was like a war,” he says, the laughter in his voice giving away that he might just be exaggerating. “It was such a competitive industry. If you look back, you can remember all the songs in the Top 40. That music really counted.”

Managed by pop star and actor Adam Faith, Leo struck up a partnership with songwriter and producer David Courtney, co-writing such songs as Long Tall Glasses and Giving It All Away (a 1973 top five hit for The Who’s Roger Daltrey).

“Adam Faith was very dynamic as a pop star, who did the Budgie TV series and a movie with David Essex [Stardust], and wanted to get me a record deal with Warner Music in America. He managed to get Joe from Warner down to Brighton, where David was based, and took them to a fish and chip shop,” recalls Leo.

“Just around the corner, a little guy called Leo Sayer was playing, and on the way back, I was told I had a deal with Warner.”

Sayer’s love of individuality was reflected in his decision to paint his face in the Pierrot clown mode for his early performances. “I loved Les Enfants du Paradis – Children Of Paradise – a movie made at the end of the Second World War by Marcel Carné,” says Leo, recalling the classic French drama that charts the ill-fated love of a mime artist and a sometime actress in 1840s’ Paris.

“I loved how he [the mime artist, played by Jean-Louis Barrault] could describe himself in gestures, rather than speech.”

Sitting with Roger Daltrey, “on the wall were all these big Pierrot pictures, and he said, ‘how do you see yourself’, and I said, ‘like that’, like Jean-Louis Barrault,” says Leo.

He duly borrowed a costume from a street performer called Julian. “He was 6ft tall, I’m 5 ft 4! It became my signature look, and it was extraordinary when we first did it, getting in a famous make-up lady from Australia,” he says.

“They wouldn’t let me look at the mirror as a black bathing cap was put on and the make-up applied, the dark eyes and the dots on the cheeks, and then suddenly I could look at the mirror, and from that moment I knew I’d found my look to be released to the world and really be transformed into Leo Sayer [he was born Gerard Hugh Sayer].

“After shows, I could rush around the block, stand outside in my T-shirts and jeans, and I’d hear people saying, ‘Hey, that guy Leo was amazing’. I got to find out at first hand what they thought!”

Later, Leo would shed that skin. “That was terribly scary. It was me that decided to stop it, which shocked people, but I only ever wanted to do it for a year. I’d seen Gilbert O’Sullivan being stuck for ages with that image of the little lad in the shorts and cap,” he says.

Leo made the transition when he was invited to be the opening act for Rick Wakeman at the Crystal Palace Bowl, South London. “Once I was without the mask, I thought I’d be terrified, but my [now ex-] wife and I put together this Great Gatsby look with the cloth cap, when you had to go from one image to another, as you did with all that glam rock going on, and though it was a baptism of fire, it felt right.”

The hits stacked up, the songwriting continues to this day. “It’s important to still write songs, but over the last couple of albums I’ve been working through a backlog of recordings, like the demos from when I worked with Alan Tarney in 1983. It’s time to put those songs out there,” says Leo. “It’s amazing how those songs from the Seventies and Eighties still sound so current.”

During the pandemic, Leo penned a couple of lockdown songs. “One was about Melbourne, the most locked-down city in the world, My City In Lockdown, which came out on YouTube,” he says. “Then there was How Did We Get Here?, about everyone blaming each other, in the way that disinformation becomes reality.”

Covid-19 reintroduced Leo to wearing masks – albeit of a different kind – all those years later, and although they have now been largely discarded by the public, “I wore a mask on the Tube in London the other day and the negative comments I got really surprised me.” he says.

Leo Sayer plays York Barbican tonight (7/10/2022), 7.30pm. Box office: yorkbarbican.co.uk.

Why does a musical about Henry VIII’s wives have such SIX appeal? Here comes the girl power at Grand Opera House

“I’m incredibly lucky to be a part of this wonderful show, which has such a great message and allows people to be, unapologetically, who they truly are,” says Jennifer Caldwell, who plays queen No. 2, Anne Boleyn

DIVORCED, beheaded, Covid-19’ed, SIX The Musical could have passed this way before, but “localised lockdowns” hit Live Nation Entertainment’s six drive-in shows at Church Fenton airport for six in August 2020.

Now, the newly refurbished Grand Opera House, in York, has the delight of hosting the first North Yorkshire run of the “electrifying musical phenomenon that everyone has lost their head over”, fully booked up from October 11 to 16.

First presented by Cambridge University students in a 100-seat Sweet Venue room at the 2017 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss’s musical has been catapulted into a West End and international hit en route to being named the Musical of the Decade by WhatsOnStage (as well as Best Musical 2020). Nominations for five Olivier Awards, including Best New Musical, came the show’s way too.

Songs from the SIX studio album are streamed on average 450,000 times per day, making it the second-highest streaming musical theatre recording in the world after Hamilton.

SIX The Musical’s debut York run has sold out already, but why is there all this hoo-ha over the vengeful wives of Henry’s irreverent musical romp?

Welcome to their Queendom where Tudor queens turn into pop princesses as the six wives of Henry VIII take to the mic to tell their tales, remixing 500 years of historical heartbreak into a 75-minute celebration of 21st-century girl power. These queens may have green sleeves (a reference to the Henry VIII-penned Tudor chart topper)  but their lipstick is rebellious red.

“To be able to play the iconic Anne Boleyn and fill the iconic boots of the incredible humans who have played her before is a dream come true,” says Jennifer Caldwell

Among the cast for a third year is Jennifer Caldwell, playing Anne Boleyn, Henry’s second wife, the one who was beheaded by a French swordsman on May 19 1536 after being found guilty of charges of adultery, incest and conspiracy against the king.

“I’m incredibly lucky to be a part of this wonderful show, which has such a great message and allows people to be, unapologetically, who they truly are,” says Jennifer, feeling very definitely luckier than Anne B.

“Having previously covered all the roles and had the opportunity to tell all those women’s amazing stories, to be able to play the iconic Anne Boleyn and fill the iconic boots of the incredible humans who have played her before is a dream come true.”

After covering the role of Anne Boleyn previously, “I had a lot of time to prepare and learn my own little nuances. I also read – a lot! – and watched documentaries to learn as much about our dear Anne Boleyn as I could,” Jennifer says.

She found rehearsing for the latest tour “great fun”. “Being able to go back to the drawing board and discover who my Boleyn is and be able to have ownership over that was really special,” she says. “Getting to bond with the new cast was wonderful too.”

SIX The Musical: Next week’s Grand Opera House run has sold out already

SIX is a very vocally demanding show, 75 minutes straight through and no interval. “I often live a little like a nun!  I steam every morning and drink loads of water,” says Jennifer.

Picking out a favourite moment on the tour so far, she plumps for: “Being able to reopen after Covid. Feeling the love and appreciation from the audience. I cried!”

What should York’s audiences expect from the show, Jennifer? “Stupendous vocals, incredible choreography, laughter by the bucket load and…a whole lotta history,” she says.

“I want audiences to take away the message that we’re all enough on our own! We don’t need to be defined by anything other than who we are!”

Anything else? “I want them to leave with a stomach ache from laughing and aching cheeks from smiling too hard.”

SIX The Musical, directed by Lucy Moss and Jamie Armitage, heads into Grand Opera House, York from October 11 to 16; performances at 8pm, Tuesday to Thursday; 6pm and 8.30pm, Friday; 5pm and 8pm, Saturday; 3pm, Sunday. ALL SOLD OUT.  Don’t lose your head still trying to acquire a ticket.

Copyright of The Press, York

York Music Forum Youth Jazz Ensemble picked to play at Music For Youth Proms

York Music Forum Youth Jazz Ensemble: Royal Albert Hall here they come

YORK Music Forum Youth Jazz Ensemble will perform at the Music For Youth Proms at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on November 16.

The York musicians have been selected for this prestigious event after performances at this year’s Music For Youth regional and national festivals.

“Their journey began at the Music For Youth regional festivals, which took place at venues around the country with thousands of young musicians taking part,” says director Ian Chalk. “A small proportion of these were then invited to participate at the two-day national festival in Birmingham in July and a handful of those ensembles have been invited to perform at the Music For Youth Proms in November 2022.

“The Music For Youth Proms are a two-day musical extravaganza. Two special evening concerts will bring young musicians together from across the country for a spectacular concert like no other: full-scale symphony orchestras are showcased, alongside some of the best young jazz bands, chamber groups, pop bands and singer-songwriters from across the UK, and a unique specially produced Massed Ensemble of more than 400 musicians.”

The ten-strong York Music Forum Youth Jazz Ensemble is made up of some of the best young musicians in York, ranging in age from 13 to 19.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for these amazing young musicians and excellent reward for their hard work and great performances at the Music For Youth regional and national festivals,” says Ian. “We’re really proud of what the Youth Jazz Ensemble has achieved, and we’re delighted to be flying the flag for York at such an iconic venue.”

Did you know?

YORK Music Forum provides developing musicians with high quality and valuable musical experiences in “commercial” musical genres such as jazz, funk and pop.

The forum offers educational ensembles for both young musicians and adults, supported by a range of online resources.

The forum’s jazz education programme was a finalist in the Music Teacher Awards for Excellence in 2019 (Best Musical Initiative).

Brass players from the York Music Forum performing at Big Ian’s A Night To Remember charity concert at York Barbican in September