REVIEW: Around The World In 80 Days-ish, York Theatre Royal, roll up, roll up, until August 3 ****

David Abécassis’s Clown, left, Maria Gray’s Acrobat, Kiefer Moriarty’s Ringmaster, Ambika Sharma’s Trick Rider and Rowan Armitt-Brewster’s Knife Thrower in Around The World In 80 Days-ish at York Theayre Royal. Picture: Charlie Kirkpatrick

THIS circus has left town twice before, in 2021 after 23 days and 2023 after only three for a national tour, but all the stops are pulled out for the big top’s return under a new-ish name, Around The World In 80 Days-ish.

This time, at the height of the circus summer season, creative director Juliet Forster’s dandy adaptation has a bonus to go with the bonanza: a circus school for five to 11-year-olds to learn the tricks of the trade in a one-hour pre-show workshop. All the thrill of learning a skill with aerial artiste Maria Gray as well as the fun of the fair that follows.

At Thursday’s matinee, participating children take their seats, or rather they grab red-and-white striped cushions to sit on the “grass” newly “grown” to create a lawn from the stage-front to the stalls seating. White fencing acts as a perimeter, but not as a boundary as it turns out post-interval, when one young chap starts chipping in with a running commentary as David Abécassis’s servant Passepartout and Rowan Armitt-Brewster’s spiv London detective Fix conduct an increasingly drunken conversation on a see-saw, where everything is in the balance.

Not a loose cannon: Maria Gray’s resolute record-breaking travel writer Nellie Bly. Picture: Charlie Kirkpatrick

Already a comic high-point of adroit manoeuvres and verbal fencing from past productions, it now has a new juggling ingredient: how to negotiate the scene while being “accosted” by the world’s young heckler. “He’s a baddie,” the boy helpfully advises. Fix in a fix? Not here, where the Edinburgh Fringe-bound Armitt-Brewster, actor, dancer, singer and physical comedian, handles the unexpected competition for attention with Chaplin-esque elan in tandem with the eyebrow-raising-Abécassis.

Armitt-Brewster, who will be appearing in his Skedaddle Theatre show A Brief Case Of Crazy next month, is typical of Forster’s canny casting for a globe-travelling tale that demands physical elasticity, verbal vigour and, yes, circus skills in a play within a circus show. Likewise the ursine, Abécassis, so at ease with his Lecoq-trained clownery, bonhomie and French accent.  

We begin amid the bunting and lights of Verne’s Circus, where Kiefer Moriarty’s punctilious, flustered Irish Ringmaster is striving to pull the story’s strings with the aid/hindrance of his company of Abécassis’s Clown, Gray’s Acrobat, Ambika Sharma’s Trick Rider and Armitt-Brewster’s Knife Thrower.

In the balance: David Abécassis’s Passepartout, left, and Rowan Armitt-Brewster’s detective Fix mid-negotiation in Around The World In 80 Days-ish. Picture: Charlie Kirkpatrick

Together they will tell the tale of Verne’s Around The World In 80 Days, wherein Moriarty’s upright, uptight, unflustered, unscrupulous, ever-punctual, tea-drinking Victorian English gent Phileas Fogg will strike a wager with his starchy, sceptical Reform Club cronies – represented by moustaches on sticks – that he can traverse the world in that time.

There will be a distraction, not that talkative little lad by the fence, but the rather more persistent New York World reporter Nellie Bly, who, spoiler alert, outdid the fictional Fogg by crossing the globe in only 72 days, setting off from New York on her 25,000-mile journey on November 14 1889.

Feminist, fearless, and full of wonder in her elegant travelogue prose, she is but one feather in the cap of the multi-role-playing Maria Gray, who pulls off American, North Eastern, Scottish, Welsh and Hull accents, as well spinning shapes in her solo aerial routine (recalling her role as Cobweb in Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Eye Of York).

Kiefer Moriarty in a clowning scene in Around The Wold In 80 Days-ish. Picture: Charlie Kirkpatrick

Nellie manages to wind up Moriarty’s exasperated Ringmaster and Fogg alike in her interjections, conducted at a different pace to the ever-racing Fogg as the revolving signage announces each new destination.

 Writer-director Forster wastes no time in pricking the balloon that Fogg travelled in such a form of transportation. Only in screen versions, not the book. Imagination and ingenuity against the odds will play their part, as they do in Patrick Barlow’s The 39 Steps, playing across town at the Grand Opera House this week, and in Mischief’s “Go Wrong” roster of calamitous comedies.

Props and costumes, as well as dexterity and clowning, combine in conveying an elephant, a train, a trading vessel, whatever, in spectacular, often unexpected ways, peaking with slow-motion bridge collapse denoted by ladders in slow motion.

Rowan Armitt-Brewster’s Knife Thrower. Picture: Charlie Kirkpatrick

Fogg may be in a rush but the first act ironically is a little slow. Not so the superior second act, where the verbal to-and-fro becomes quicker and funnier and the circus acrobatics and physical set-pieces pile up under Asha Jennings-Grant’s movement direction. Edwin Gray’s sound design excels too, especially in an explosive scene, and Sara Perks’s designs and costumes are a vision.

Why, there is even romance in the slow-burning relationship of old-stick Fogg and Sharma’s Indian princess Aouda, who amusingly challenges stereotypes in a piece of metatheatre in keeping with Forster’s feminist vibe.

Around The World In 80 Days-ish, York Theatre Royal, July 27, 2.30pm, 7.30pm; July 29, 2pm; July 30, 5.30pm; July 31, 7pm; August 1, 2pm, 7pm; August 2, 6.30pm; August 3, 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Box office: 01904 623568 or

In suspense: Maria Gray’s Acrobat in Around The World In 80 Days-ish. Picture: Charlie Kirkpatrick