Bea Roberts’s world premiere of extraordinary true story of The Whitby Rebels launches at Stephen Joseph Theatre

The Whitby Rebels cast on a boat trip in Scarborough’s South Bay: from left, Keith Bartlett, Duncan MacInnes, Jacky Naylor, Jacqueline King, Louise Mai Newberry and Kieran Foster. All pictures: Tony Bartholomew

THE Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough, is staging the world premiere of Bea Roberts’ The Whitby Rebels, boat on stage et al, until November 2.

In Whitby Harbour, in the summer of 1991, something extraordinary happened. A humble pleasure boat set sail for the Arctic crewed by misfits, pensioners and the vicar for Egton and Grosmont, North Yorkshire.

This motley crew was assembled by Captain Jack Lammiman to complete a daring mission: to erect a plaque honouring Whitby whaling Captain William Scoresby senior on a volcanic island hundreds of miles north of Iceland.

Kieran Foster, left, Jaqcueline King, Jacky Naylor and Duncan MacInnes in the SJT rehearsal room

Their voyage is a classic story of British eccentricity and determination to rival Eddie the Eagle’s Olympic exploits, bus driver Kempton Bunton stealing the portrait of the Duke of Wellington or crane operator Maurice Flitcroft playing golf in the British Open.

Writer Bea Roberts says: “What appealed to me about this true story to begin with is that it felt like an Ealing comedy or a Carry On film – it’s got this fantastically silly edge: this group of pensioners being chased by the Royal Navy!

“But it’s also really remarkable as a story of incredible adventure, of daring, of bravery and of people doing something really rather audacious and brilliant.”

Jacqueline King, left, Duncan MacInnes, Kieran Foster and Louise Mai Newberry at sea off the Scarborough coast

Director Paul Robinson says: “I’m so excited to bring this local story to life, particularly as many people will remember it and the film which followed starring Bob Hoskins. And I can’t wait to see the audiences’ faces when they see a boat on stage!”

SJT artistic director Robinson directs a cast of Keith Bartlett, Kieran Foster, Jacqueline King, Duncan MacInnes, Jacky Naylor and Louise Mai Newberry.

The Whitby Rebels is designed by Jessica Curtis, with lighting design by Sally Ferguson; sound design by composer and sailor’s son Simon Slater; movement direction by Georgina Lamb; wardrobe supervision by Julia Perry-Mook and fight director by Kaitlin Howard. Tom Hill is the nautical consultant. Box office: 01723 370541 or at

Duncan MacInnes, Keith Bartlett and Kieran Foster in rehearsal for The Whitby Rebels