YORK Artworkers Association’s 25th anniversary exhibition at Pyramid Gallery went so well last year that the group has decided to hold another.
Members will be exhibiting at Terry Brett’s gallery in Stonegate, York, from Saturday to February 23. “I’m anticipating it will look unusually full,” he says.

“We want to show everyone’s work if we can, but I expect the walls to look very full of pictures, in the style of the Royal Academy Summer Show, but better. The standard of work being submitted is very high and I foresee a really exciting exhibition in both first-floor galleries and all the way up the staircase too.”
Art, ceramics and jewellery by 30 members will be on show in an exhibition curated by Terry, who is a YAA member himself.

“York Artworkers Association was formed 26 years ago by a group of artists and people who were working in design, graphics and galleries in order to provide a social network of people interested in the arts,” he says.
“They meet every month at Joseph’s Well, off Micklegate, where they invite speakers to talk about a topic that could be anything do to with their own art practice or an art-related organisation. Recent speakers have included a former member of the theatrical drumming group Stomp and a sculptor who demonstrated modelling a horse in clay.”

Last year’s silver anniversary was marked by the Pyramid show, open to all association members working in the arts. A book was produced to accompany the exhibition.
The sequel will feature more members, several of whom will be present at Saturday’s launch from 11am on a day when refreshments will be served until 2.30pm.

York painters and printmakers taking part will be Richard and Valerie Bell; Dave Cooper; Chrissie Dell; Adrienne French; Mandy Grant; Anna Harding; Luisa Holden; John Jirkwood; Caroline Lord; Bernadette Oliver; Peter Park; Kate Pettitt; Liz and Saul Salter; Lesley Seeger; Lesley Shaw; Jill Tattersall; Donna Taylor and Joe Vaughan.
Catherine Boyne-Whitelegg, Francesca Green, Sophie Hamilton, Ilona Sulikova and Chris Utley will contribute ceramics; Tim Pierce, sculpture, and Ann Southeran, stained glass.

Needlework, felting and textiles will be shown by Carol Coleman, Cathy Needham, Sarah Jackson and Julia Wilkins; weaving by Jacqueline James; basketry by Heather Dawe, and jewellery by Karen Thomas and Richard Whitelegg.
All of the work will be for sale and exhibition images can be seen at pyramidgallery.com and on social media. Pyramid Gallery, York, is open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm, and on some Sundays from 12.30pm to 4.30pm.