EXPLORE York libraries and reading cafés are preparing to re-open from July 6.
The libraries at York Central, Acomb, Clifton and Tang Hall will open from July 7, but on a pre-booked basis only.
The Mobile Library will be back too, but the rest of the smaller Gateway libraries will remain closed during this first stage.
Opening hours at the libraries will be from 10am to 4pm, Tuesday to Saturday. For mobile stops and café opening times, visit exploreyork.org.uk/ for more information.
Explore’s new reading café in Hungate will open for the first time on July 7, preceded by the cafés at Rowntree Park and Homestead Park on July 6. All will be serving drinks and snacks to take away and enjoy outside.
“All our venues will have safety measures in place to protect customers and staff,” says Explore York’s statement.
“We can’t wait to welcome people back to our physical buildings. We will be operating a little differently for a while though. Some libraries will be open; books will be available using a click-and-collect system; computer and printer use will be by appointment only and opening hours will be shorter.”
Borrowing books using click and collect is simple, Explore York advises, saying books can be collected from Acomb, Clifton, York, Tang Hall and the Mobile Library.
Step one: Reserve your books in the usual way, using the online catalogue or, from July 7, by phoning or emailing your nearest open library. Alternatively, fill in one of the Lucky Dip online forms for adults or children, whereupon Explore will choose up to 15 books based on your taste and preferences.
Step two: When your books are ready, Explore will ring you and arrange a time for you to collect them.
Books also may be returned by pre-booked appointment. Explore is happy to accept returns and all loans have been renewed until September 30.
Computers and printing will be available for pre-booked slots. You can book online or contact your nearest open library by phone or email after July 7.
“Explore customers now have even more choices than before because, while we were closed, we took the chance to enrich and expand what we offer online,” the statement concludes. “As lockdown is lifted, we encourage everyone to carry on using these online services as well as coming into libraries.”
For more information, go to exploreyork.org.uk/were-back/.