Next Door But One takes next steps to help creative talent with The Producing Hub

Next Door But One’s leadership team: creative engagement manager El Stannage, left, producer Joshua Goodman, artistic director Matt Harper-Hardcastle, associate director Kate Veysey and communications coordinator Anna Johnston

HOT off winning two York Enterprise Awards, Next Door But One is launching The Producing Hub to expand its provision of professional development for creative talents in the city.

Over the past year, the York community arts collective has supported 68 performing arts professionals to nurture their skills and achieve career goals through a series of workshops, one-to-one mentoring and by providing micro-commissions for new work, such as the Yorkshire Trios showcase at York Theatre Royal Studio in late-March.

“Seventy-five per cent have started a new project or developed an existing one; 68 per cent have applied for and secured new jobs or commissions; 50 per cent have applied for funding for their work, and have showcased that work too,” says Next Door But One (NDB1) chief executive officer and artistic director Matt Harper-Hardcastle.

“As one participant described their involvement: ‘The biggest impact from engaging in NDB1’s professional development is how much confidence I’ve gained. I’ve since secured further professional work, I have less imposter syndrome and feel like I belong in this industry.

“The experience of working with NDB1 made me feel validated that I have the skill to pursue acting professionally, and what my USP [unique selling point] is in the industry. I’m able to effectively communicate what I can offer the industry and NDB1 has been instrumental in helping me understand this’.”

James Lewis-Knight, artistic director of Clown Space, recipients of Next Door But One support for professional development

Matt reflects: “We’ve always said that NDB1 is a place where creatives can hang their hat. Being a freelance artist can often feel very lonely, isolating and a bit discombobulating,” he says. “We saw this acutely during Covid. As the world started to open up again following the pandemic, we had an influx of local creatives getting in touch for advice.

“Sixty-seven per cent had had a large proportion of their work cancelled; 50 per cent had struggled to secure the same amount of work since; 42 per cent had considered leaving the industry and their chosen career altogether, and 58 per cent have felt a significant disconnection from the industry as a whole. Local freelancers are the lifeblood of NDB1’s work, so we knew we had to do something about it.”

Since those shockwaves of 2021, NDB1 has provided 28 micro-commissions to writers, directors and actors, run three programmes of professional development workshops, a full year’s coaching for emerging companies and countless one-to-ones with York artists to provide bespoke advice and signposting.

“Now we are launching our most ambitious and robust programme of support for creatives through The Producing Hub Next Door But One,” says Matt. “‘It’s a way to pull together and formalise all the responsive support we’ve been providing into something we can really shout about and invite more people into.”

Firstly, backed by funding from City of York Council (through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund) and Arts Council England, over the next year NDB1 will provide producing support for Thunk-It Theatre’s next tour of New Girl and for the company development of Clown Space, the York company run by professional clown James Lewis-Knight and Emily Chattle that specialises in teaching clowning, full mask and physical theatre.

“Clown Space are at a point where they need support with their creative business plans, vision values and funding mechanisms,” says Matt.

Creative 1:1s. Seed Funding.Seminars. Next Door But One has help and advice on hand for York arts talents

Thunk-It Theatre artistic director Becky Lennon says: “We are thrilled to be joining The Producing Hub. We’ve been lucky to be supported by NDB1 since we first began in 2020 and are excited to be co-producing our now Arts Council England-funded production, New Girl, this autumn with the wonderful support from the NDB1 Team.

“The Producing Hub is a great way for us to learn how to produce our own work in a supported professional set-up. We cannot wait to see how we develop with the amazing backing from the team.”

Secondly, in partnership with York Theatre Royal, NDB1’s Opening Doors will return from November 2024 to provide a series of free professional development workshops built from the needs expressed by York creatives.

“We’re also really excited to take our informal one-to-one surgeries and the ‘cuppa catch-ups’ we regularly have with creatives to provide regular opportunities for creatives to sit with members of the NDB1 team and get the advice they need,” says Matt.

NDB1 associate director Kate Veysey adds: “I think it’s down to our approachability, but we regularly have creatives getting in touch to ask our advice on new projects, to look over applications and even just to be a friendly face to artists who are new to the city.

Thunk-It Theatre in New Girl: Receiving Next Door But One support for next tour

“We really see the value in these quick, responsive interventions and happily go offering space, support and coffee, but as a small team ourselves we were reaching capacity.

“From September, however, NDB1 will be offering bookable slots around the city, for York creatives to set the agenda and receive the headspace of our leadership team on whatever is needed.”

This 1:1 service has been made possible with a grant from YOR4Good, partnering with the University of York’s School of Arts and Creative Technologies, and with the support of Explore York library service and Theatre@41, Monkgate.

Kate continues: “We’re excited by this as we can offer seed funding to support creatives to overcome particular barriers to their desired career progression. This could be affording fees for training courses, hiring space to have a table-read of a new script or even covering access costs to take up new opportunities.”

In addition, a casting call is open until September for NDB1’s May 2025 production of How To Be A Kid. “We’ll be casting from new graduates from the past two years, who’ll do a three-week rehearsal process, incorporating professional training as part of a touring production, with advice on, for example, acquiring professional headshots and talking to casting agents,” says Matt.

To stay up to date with these opportunities and to learn how to engage NDB1’s services, creatives are advised to sign up to the mailing list and fill out Expression of Interest forms, available via the website:

Double winners: Kate Veysey, second left, El Stannage, Matt Harper-Hardcastle amd Anna Johnston, of Next Door But One, with Warrick Dent, left, from LNER, after receiving the Community Changemaker and Inclusive Business awards at the 2024 York Enterprise Awards. Picture: Alex Holland

Thunk-It Theatre seeks youth theatre performers for free Are You A Robot? summer project at Pocklington Arts Centre

Are You A Robot? playwright Tim Crouch. Picture: Lisa Barnard

YORK company Thunk-It Theatre will host a free summer youth theatre project at Pocklington Arts Centre to create a performance of Tim Crouch’s Are You A Robot?

Run by industry professionals from August 7 to 11, the sessions for 11 to 18-year-old theatre enthusiasts will climax with a last-day performance for family and friends.

Thunk-It Theatre’s Becky Lennon and Jules Risingham have held youth theatre sessions in the Pocklington area for two years. Now the summer school activities will form part of the Wonder Fools’ international participatory arts project Positive Stories for Negative Times.

Funded by the I AM Fund, Thunk-It Theatre will provide five days of free youth theatre for youngsters with a flair for dramatics, who want to gain confidence and love to perform.

In Crouch’s play, two groups of children meet. They look the same; they imagine similar things; they make almost the same noises; they dance in almost the same way, but one group is a digital version of the other.

Thunk-It Theatre’s summer project poster

“They are the face we see reflected back to us online,” says Tim. “They’re exciting and demanding and hard to live up to. The two groups try to work each other out and decide if they can exist together.

“This is a joyful collision between real and fake, perfect and imperfect, human and robot. It’s an investigation into – and a celebration of – humanness.”

Thunk-It directors Becky and Jules say: “We’ve been blown away with the talent, drive and enthusiasm of the young people we’ve worked with in and around Pocklington. There’s a huge importance for rural arts provisions and the impact that this can have on individual young people is incredible.

“We cannot wait to get stuck in with another week of fabulous fun. Not only will young people develop performance skills, they also will learn confidence techniques, leadership skills, and have the opportunity to express themselves in a safe and supported space.”

For more information or to sign up, head to Thunk-It Theatre’s social media (Instagram, @thunkittheatre; Facebook, Thunk-It Theatre; Twitter, @ThunkItTheatre), or email