BLUE Tree Gallery, York, will mark the opening of Jill Campbell’s exhibition on Saturday by introducing temporary new opening hours.
The gallery, in Bootham, will be open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 11am to 4pm.
Jill Campbell’s intuitive and soulful new paintings also are available to view online throughout the show’s run to September 19 at: bluetreegallery.co.uk/featured-artist-jill-campbell.

Jill, who graduated from the University of Sunderland with first class honours in fine art in 2014, is inspired by the landscape of the North East, where she lives.
“Most of my work is based on an ancient mining landscape called Cockfield Fell, where I walk nearly every day,” she says. “I use elements of what I see and combine these with my imagination to create my paintings.
“I’m fascinated by the fell’s strange, other worldly, abstract shapes defined by the morning shadows and framed by big dramatic skies. Its pools, pathways, mounds, dips and curves are my motifs.

“I decide which shapes and colours to play with, then draw and apply layers of paint until I find balance and a painterly world emerges which celebrates this landscape.”
Jill, the third Featured Artist of 2020 at Blue Tree Gallery, has exhibited in such competitions as the New Light Art Prize at Ripon Cathedral, the Beep Painting Prize in Swansea, the RBSA Prize exhibition in Birmingham and the 2019 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition in London. Coming up in October and November will be her show at Watermark Gallery, Harrogate.