I predict a Quiet hurrah as Kaiser Chiefs’ York Art Gallery show rises again online

Kaiser Chiefs, minus Ricky Wilson, at the launch of their York Art Gallery exhibition in December 2018

KAISER Chiefs’ pop-meets-art exhibition at York Art Gallery can be enjoyed all over again online.

The Leeds indie rock band collaborated with senior curator Beatrice Bertram in 2018 to create When All Is Quiet, an innovative show that “explored the liminal spaces between art and sound, sensation and perception, and creation and performance”.

For the December 14 2018 to March 10 2019 run, Kaiser Chiefs hand-picked 11 paintings from York Art Gallery’s collection to show alongside a selection of songs by contemporary musicians and sound artists that have influenced their practice directly.

Dr Beatrice Bertram: Co-curator of the Kaiser Chiefs’ exhibition at York Art Gallery

You can listen to the Spotify playlist at: open.spotify.com/playlist/0Vs2kvg5xcPV8Pnna3l66d?si=NV1iSHX8QLavG_GMDveA5A.

The exhibition featured work by Peter Donnelly; Bryan Winter; John Hoyland; Jack Butler Yeats; Malcolm Edward Hughes; Oliver Bevan; John Golding; L. S. Lowry; J. M. W. Turner, Rebecca Appleby and Bridget Riley.

The chance to “re-visit” When All Is Quiet: The Kaiser Chiefs in Conversation with York Art Gallery comes courtesy of Art UK at @artukdotorg.

Kaiser Chiefs should have been playing their Forest Live gig at Dalby Forest on Friday (June 26), but the Covid-19 pandemic intervened.