MEANWHILE, away from the world of arts…
Food lovers across the world are invited to contribute to a new book to raise funds for global charity Action Against Hunger.
The Life In Lockdown Project has been created by Face Publications, Yorkshire publishers of cookery books by chefs Andrew Pern, James Mackenzie Sat Bains, Galton Blackiston and Ben Tish.

The new book, to be published next year, will document the impact of the Coronavirus crisis on the world through food.
Ambitious and focused on a diverse society, it will feature stories of people living through the pandemic, capturing the mood, spirit, hopes and fears of their lockdown lives.
“We’re inviting you to submit a snapshot of your life during the pandemic to highlight the food that has made your time in isolation more enjoyable,” says Face Publications managing director Anthony Hodgson, who runs the Michelin-starred Pipe and Glass at South Dalton, near Beverley.

“Throughout lockdown, we’ve all had to deal with the challenges of being confined to our homes. Many of us have derived pleasure from activities we don’t usually have as much time for, often taking comfort from food…
“…From simply cooking and eating at home every day, either with family or alone, through baking with our children, making bread for the first time or making delicious pizzas, preserves and pickles, and even recreating our favourite fast food, to generally experimenting a lot more with what we eat.”
The book will combine photography captured by contributors with memorable moments and anecdotes from their life during lockdown, along with recipes or food stories.

The Life In Lockdown Project will focus on a broad spectrum of people, stories and food, whether healthcare workers who have had daily food deliveries from a restaurant; politicians or painters finding relaxation in the kitchen; bus drivers or grounded airline pilots just discovering sous vide [low temperature long-time cooking]; or those who have retired or are unable to attend school but love baking.
One hundred of the shortlisted entries will feature in the book, and each published entrant will receive a complimentary copy before it goes on general release next year.
Ten per cent of the profits from book sales will go towards Action Against Hunger’s Coronavirus Appeal.

For almost 40 years, across nearly 50 countries, Action Against Hunger has led the global fight against hunger. The charity saves the lives of children and works with their communities before and after disasters strike, enabling people to provide for themselves, see their children grow up strong, and build prosperous communities.
The project is free to enter and open to all ages. Each entry will be assessed on what it conveys and photographic quality, rather than culinary expertise. The closing date for submissions is August 31 2020.
For further information on the entry procedure and selection process, go to: facepublications.com/news/life-in-lockdown-project.