REVIEW: Black Sheep Theatre Productions & Wharefemede Productions, The Last Five Years, National Centre for Early Music, York

The bliss before the blister: Chris Mooney’s Jamie and Helen Spencer’s Cathy in their wedding-day clench

THIS is the first of a brace of shows by Tony Award-winning Jason Robert Brown, maker of musical theatre reflecting modern-day America, presented by Matthew Peter Clare’s Black Sheep Theatre Productions.

The first, Brown’s emotionally charged, to-and-fro 2001 two hander The Last Five Years, is being staged this week in collaboration with Wharfemede Productions, the new York company set up by Helen “Bells” Spencer and Nick Sephton.

The second, Brown’s “very theatrical song cycle” from 1995, Songs For A New World, follows next Thursday to Saturday.

In one of those remarkably busy theatre and concert weeks that York loves to serve up, CharlesHutchPress caught the dress rehearsal, from a front-row table in St Margaret’s Church, home to the NCEM, with its desirably clear acoustics and hyper-sensitive sound system.

Bare walls and a stone floor are not a naturally theatrical setting, the venue being set up for concerts as its name would suggest, but singing feels very much at home, from the moment Helen Spencer and Chris Mooney stretch their cords with their vocal warm-ups.

Given its belated York premiere in November 2022 by White Rose Theatre’s cast of director Claire Pulpher and Simon Radford, Brown’s intense, fractious, intricately structured He Said/She Said love story suits a traverse setting, adding to the friction, the electric crackle, of two accounts of a five-year relationship, told on raised platforms –  each sparsely equipped with one white seat and a black box – from opposite ends of the stage and time frame.

The background to The Last Few Years is that Brown drew on the trials and tribulations of his own failed marriage to Theresa O’Neill. So much so that she sued him on the grounds of the musical’s story violating non-disparagement and non-disclosure agreements within their divorce decree by representing her relationship with Brown too closely.

For Brown, read successful young novelist Jamie Wellerstein, Random House’s rising poster boy. For, well, let’s not say O’Neill, but any struggling actress, read Cathy Hiatt, from Ohio.

Brown’s sung-through musical has the novel structure of Spencer’s Cathy telling her side of the story from the end of the relationship backwards, while Mooney’s Jamie does so from the start forwards, as he lands a publishing deal at 23.

The songs take the form of internal monologues, alongside the occasional phone call, delivered mostly with the other partner having left the stage (for one of multiple costume changes), except for the burst of heart-pumping fireworks of a duet where they meet centre stage, touch for the first time, exchange marriage vows and rings and swap ends to continue on the same trajectory.

This alienating structure, so challenging to actors in how to evoke the bond, tactility and heat of love – the changes in the chemistry, physics and biology of a relationship – emphasises there will be no middle ground in this relationship, no alternative paths. In a storyline travelling in two directions, nothing can stop the crash.

In rehearsal with guest director Susannah Tresilian, Mooney and Spencer worked on breaching that chasm, the black hole, that had to be filled through vocal and facial expression, and sometimes by the other being present on stage, but doing their own thing silently.

The singing is demanding in that way so much of Stephen Sondheim’s repertoire can be, where melody takes a back seat to recitative, (the form of accompanied solo song that mirrors the rhythms and accents of spoken language), whether upbeat in Jamie and Cathy’s courtship songs or in broken-hearted ballads.

Under those tremors and volcanic outpourings, Clare leads his seven-piece from the keyboards, the waves of beautiful and mellifluous arrangements breaking against the rocks of the relationship in song.

The intensity of a two-hander magnifies how the relationship can be interpreted in  different ways. In Simon Radford’s hands at Theatre@41, his peacock Jamie was more unreasonable, making you wonder whether these two would ever have lasted five years or whether they were polar opposites never meant to travel in the same direction.

More often, Jamie is portrayed as the one trying everything to save the relationship, to spark up Cathy, in a gentler interpretation of the role. This is where Mooney pitches his Jamie, aware of his foibles, unable to resist temptation as the fame blossoms, deceitful, yes, but regretful too. You can see why this is the well-worn path through this character, not so harsh.

Blessed with bags of stage presence and an ear for the importance of stillness, Spencer maker her Cathy a woman of stronger mettle, even if she has to open the show with her confidence shot, consumed by loneliness and insularity.

What gradually emerges from those broken wings is the butterfly, one who revels in flights of happiness, shows more than a flash of humour and handles the actor’s familiar lot of failed auditions stoically, until the searing pain of rejection delivered in Jamie’s parting letter.

A stark, frank reading of love’s vicissitudes, its sometimes all too brief candle, The Last Five Years makes for a more mature, adult relationship drama than Romeo And Juliet, although sharing its sense of the forlorn, as Brown’s songs and Money and Spencer’s performances draw you in without you taking sides.

Black Sheep Theatre Productions and Wharfemede Productions in The Last Five Years, National Centre for Early Music, Walmgate, York, today at 7.45pm. Box office:

Black Sheep Theatre Productions presents: Songs For A New World, National Centre for Early Music, Walmgate, York, October 24 to 26, 7.30pm plus 2.30pm Saturday matinee. Box office: Box office:

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