Psychologist Cheish Merryweather puts murder under the microscope in crime talk with psychopath test at Junction Goole

Cheish Merryweather: Research psychologist and psychopathy expert

DO you reckon you could get away with murder? According to research psychologist and psychopathy expert Cheish Merryweather, many people do.

Discover why in her new true crime talk, Murder: Staged, featuring a live psychopath test, at Junction Goole on October 4.

“The ‘CSI effect’ has created a new type of killer, one that is forensically aware and is out to mislead an investigation,” says Cheish, who has been seen and heard on the BBC.

“Murder: Staged will explore the lies embedded in crime scenes and share the expertise from those who dig deep for the truth”

The poster for Cheish Merryweather’s Murder: Staged tour, visiting Junction Goole on October 4

Cheish’s two-hour talk (plus a 20-minute interval) will include in-depth forensics, reconstructed real-life crime scene walk-throughs and a deep dive into cases that have not been seen on stage live before.

“The live psychopath test will be a good indication of who we really should be keeping a close eye on,” says Cheish.

Cheish Merryweather, presents Murder: Staged, Junction Goole, Paradise Place, Goole, October 4, 7.30pm. Age recommendation: 16+. Box office: