THIS morning was the official launch for Berwick Kaler’s comeback pantomime, Dick Turpin Rides Again, as the resurrected York dame handed over the first tickets to queueing fans at his new home, the Grand Opera House.
Joining him were villain David Leonard, stalwart stooge Martin Barrass, ageless principal girl Suzy Cooper and luverly Brummie A J Powell after their controversial exit and crosstown switch from the York Theatre Royal, signing on the dotted line for pantomime powerhouse producers Qdos Entertainment and the Cumberland Street theatre’s owners, the Ambassador Theatre Group.
Not joining them, however, was CharlesHutchPress, barred from the launch and the morning’s media interviews at the request of the Panto Five in a move from the Dominic Cummings rule book for Number 10 press briefings .
This has to stop.
It is time to re-build bridges, and Valentine’s Day would have been a good start, rather than continuing this Charles Hutchinson Derides Again contretemps .
Helen I have read both arguments on the thread on twitter , he did not attack you.I think you’re being extremely dramatic. I like yourself will be following the panto family, you did not come across well at all and dare I say Bitter ??? Also I find it interesting you didn’t question nance turners comments about the behaviour of the panto cast behind the scenes or does that not fit in with your narrative ??
I am thrilled to see the panto family fully reunited and have already got my tickets for grand opera house but doesn’t mean I will be putting comments on YTR account.
CH is a reviewer ..
So no need to actually be there or anywhere near until the show has actually started its run.
We only wanted press there today Charles. And the fact that you have dragged us through the mud in your radio interviews, on your website, and in print, we didn’t feel inclined to invite someone so openly hostile to talk to us about our new beginnings.
The Machiavellian/ Dominic Cummings playbook has been adopted by the YTR.. not us. Happy Valentine’s Day .
Suzy – I am sorry that you have written this as a comment – it doesn’t do you any favours engaging in this mud slinging comment – sorry but I think this puts you on the wrong side of history on this one….
I am merely explaining to Charles, why our new producers felt it was a good idea just to have positive press at our launch. I’m sure Charles will be invited to critique the show.
Perhaps you are unaware of the extent of both his current bias and vitriolic attacks on us personally.
This is not engaging in any mud slinging. It’s just an attempt to set the record straight. I wish no one ill and have not engaged in any social media war.
Marcus- I have to disagree. Suzy has a right to voice a response. I have just been attacked on social media for commenting on low ticket sales for the new YTR panto; being accused of wanting it to flop. This was from a YTR actor, who then went on to call me bitter, when all I am is a loyal audience member of 30 years. The mud-slinging was started by CH and YTR; and I agree that the cast have every right to decide who they invite to a launch, and Charles is the one who comes across in poor taste here. As I tried to explain to this YTR actor: actions have consequences.
Hey Helen ! I also have read both sides on twitter yes you have points but I watched the actor you mentioned in storm whale ! Not
Only excellent but spoke to my three year old in the interval made her calm enough to watch the rest of the amazing performance ! He wasn’t attacking you ! From what I see he wants the best for the theatre.
What on earth is all this about, Charles? Why have they barred you? Have I missed something?